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Определите, какой частью речи являются следующие слова и переведите их. Available (1 абзац), large-scale (2), beginning (3), craft (4), house (4), ensure (5), tendering (6)

Available (1 абзац), large-scale (2), beginning (3), craft (4), house (4), ensure (5), tendering (6), quantity (6), emergence (7), aimed (8).

Подберите эквиваленты к словосочетаниям, обозначенным цифрами

1) communal building a) контроль качества
2) quality control b) огромное предприятие
3) air conditioning c) общественное здание
4) the lowest estimate d) кондиционер
5) vast undertaking e) самая дешевая оценка

Определите лишнее слово

a) ancient times b) modern times c) primitive times d) early times
a) wood b) sand c) window d) stone
a) to paint b) to finance c) to pay   d) to cost
a)worker   b) manufacture   c) builder   d) craftsman  
a) castle b) church c) elevator d) cathedral

Опровергните высказывание

1) In early times people constructed their homes from bricks.

2) At the time of the Renaissance in the 15th and 16th centuries a new sort of building specialist was a craftsman.

3) In the 19th century advances in science meant that a system of trial and error was relied on.

4) The construction of the skyscraper was made possible by the work of the craftsmen.

5) Now the construction process is highly organized because it involves design professionals.

6) In the late 19th century the emergence of the skyscraper in Chicago was made possible only by the use of steel framing.

Соотнесите фрагменты предложения так, чтобы смысл высказывания не был нарушен

1) All kinds of new technological developments a) how a building should be constructed.
2) The Industrial Revolution in the 19th century b) large buildings were built by slaves.
3) Building designers could calculate in advance c) affected the building industry.
4) In ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome d) castles and churches.
5) There were two kinds of communal buildings: e) brought to an end the craft traditions.

Пользуясь содержанием текста, ответьте на вопросы

1) How did people construct their homes in early times?

2) How did a new sort of building specialist appear?

3) What did the Industrial Revolution bring in construction?

4) What did advances in science mean?

5) Why is the present state of building construction complex?

6) Is it important to calculate accurately the cost of materials?

7) The design process for buildings is highly organized, isn’t it?

А) Составьте устное высказывание (3-5 минут) о перспективах жилищного строительства в нашем регионе

Б) Обсудите в парах историю строительства с древних времен до наших дней.



Подберите русские эквиваленты следующим словам, содержащим интернациональные корни

Segment, type, tunnel, commercial, architect, specialize, portion, panel, climate control, select, asphalt, gravel, electrician, manager, steel.

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