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Underlining points

Please remember that...

It’s important to remember that...

This is important/significant because...

You’re probably thinking that... and you’re right/ but this would be a mistake...

Please notice that...

Note this point:

Referring backwards and forwards

You remember I said...

Just to repeat what I said earlier,

As I mentioned earlier...

Do you remember I said...?

I’ll talk more about this later.

Don’t worry if this isn’t so clear now, I’ll explain the details later...

More on this later on.

The details will come later.

Can I come back to this point?

Referring to study weaknesses

You may be able to see the weaknesses in our study.

Of course our study cannot conclusively say that...

We need to look at X in more detail and a further study with Y might confirm our findings.


OK, so in summary...

So where does this leave us? Well we need to

We can agree that...

Our main point is that

We have raised the following questions:

We believe our study presents conclusive proof that...

We believe our presentation raises many questions about...

Finishing up:

I hope my rather rapid explanation was clear.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Thank you for listening.

Well that’s all from me today. It’s been a great pleasure to share this with you today.

Thank you very much.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 492 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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