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IV. Answer the questions

1. What types of gyroscopes are mentioned in the text?

2. Do all gyroscopes have the components listed in the text?

3. What does the moment of inertia equal?

4. What is the difference between analogue and digital re-balance loop?

5. Why do some gyroscopes use a blast of air or a small explosive charge?

6. Do you know basic forms of pick-off technology?

V. Correct the statements to the text.

1. Torque generator can be represented in three basic forms.

2. The pick-off generates spinning motion to indicate the amplitude of the motion.

3. To decrease shock effects a low rotor mass is necessary.

4. Ball bearings are very low noise bearings and can last a very long time.

5. Angular momentum is essential for the operation of the mechanical gyroscope.

6. Float is a case with the encapsulated components.

7. Re-balance loop receives and interprets the signals from the pick-off assembly.

Ex.V 1-two forms; 2- generates electrical signal; 3-correct; 4-gas bearings; 5-correct; 6-is a can; 7-correct;

VI. Match the words from three columns of the table to make up collocations mentioned in the text. Make up your own sentences.

soft axis mode
single re-balance path
torque integrating gyroscope
flux iron sensor
rate current motor
dynamically return assembly
direct tuned gyroscope

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 336 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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