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I. Work in pairs. Discuss the main applications of the gyroscopes using the pictures below

II. Gyroscopes are very important to pilots. Their ability to remain rigid in space is used in different ways. Three of the most important instruments on a plane are gyroscopic. Match the instrument with the definition and picture.

1. Heading Indicator a. d. This instrument is used by pilots when flying by instrument and allows the pilot to see the direction and rate of a turn. They are often marked with graduated lines, allowing the pilot to make standard turns of varying degrees by aligning a needle to a specific point for a certain time.
2. Attitude Indicator b. e. It is a gyrocompass. Since magnetic compasses are prone to error during turns, speed changes and turbulence, the instrument is the primary directional instrument used on an airplane, but due to error over time must be corrected against a compass.
3. Turn Indicator c. f.It is sometimes called the artificial horizon. A gyros rotor holds the horizon bar stable during flight and the plane rotates around it. The miniature airplane wings on the case stay parallel with wings of the aircraft and display the planes position in relation to the earth’s horizon. It tells the pilot if the plane is tilted up, down, right or left (the plane’s attitude).

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 555 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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