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Typology of syntactical systems

The idea of a syntactical level.

Syntax of language is a level which deals with more complicated units, than a simple word. Syntactical level, as any other level of a lang, has its own set of units – a phrase and a sentence. A phrase is a combination of 2 or more notional words, united on the basis of a certain syntactical relation, playing a nominating function.

Ex. Новые часы – A new watch; читать книгу – to read a book; ходить в школу – to go to school.

So, a phrase as well as a word nominates an object, an event, an action, a process. But in contrast to a word, which presents a whole unit of a lang (Аракин)

In coordinative word combinations, words are in equal positions and it is possible to change their places (mother and son, son and mother) THE SAME IS IN RUUSSIAN. In subordinate word combinations, words can’t change their places (a big house) In every languages, word combinations, words are according to the models of this language. Thus a word combination, formed with the help of subordination maybe characterized by the following features.

1 by forms of expression of syntactical relation (attributive, objective, adverbial)

2 by types of expression of syntactical relations (agreement, government, adjoinment (примыкание))

3 by the position of the dependent or ‘adjunct (придаточное) word, upon the kernel word in preposition or post position (расположение позади)

In both languages, there are word combinations, in which a dependent component gives some temporary characteristic to an object or person which appears during a certain action (he sat pale, он сидел бледный). This type of relation is called predicative and it is typical of both languages.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 1884 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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