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Language practice. Practise the dialogue and then make up your own dialogues, discussing your favourite sports activities

Practise the dialogue and then make up your own dialogues, discussing your favourite sports activities.

John: Hi, Mike! Where are you going?

Mike: Hello, John! I’m going to a football match. I’ve hardly got the tickets for me and my brother.

John: Was it so hard to get the tickets?

Mike: Of course! I’m lucky that I’ve got two. "Spartak" and "Dinamo" are playing. And what about you? Are you going?

John: No, actually I’m not fond of football. I like tennis more.

Mike: Do you go in for tennis?

John: I’ve been playing tennis since I was 6 years old. But now I’m a first-year cadet and have less time for it, because we have a strict daily routine.

Mike: Do the cadets have any Physical Training (PT) activities?

John: Of course, PT activities are organized every day. Sport helps the cadets to become skilled and well-trained officers of the Russian Armed Forces.

Mike: I see. But still (и всё-таки), why do you like tennis?

John: I think it is a very interesting sports game which improves your shape and trains your mind. Besides it is a good and pleasant way to get rid of stress or bad mood.

Mike: Ok, but as for me, there is nothing better than football. And now I have to go, the match is starting in half an hour! See you later!

John: See you! Bye!


5.1. The British Press

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 365 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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