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The Present Simple Tense

1. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

Example: My niece dreams to become a prosecutor. – Does my niece dream to become a prosecutor? My niece doesn’t dream to become a prosecutor.

1. My father works as a prosecutor. 2. They want to be judges. 3. An investigator usually uses a deductive method. 4. Water freezes at 0 °C. 5. The new law comes into force on May 15. 6. At the end of a trial a judge passes sentence or sets the accused free.

2. Put the verb into the Present Simple form:

Example: He (to specialize) in Criminal Law. – He specializes in Criminal Law

1. She (not/ to work) as a lawyer, she is a student. 2. A policeman usually (to stop) cars in the street. 3. The Sun (to rise) in the East. 4. It often (to rain) in England. 5. He (not/ to want) to become an investi­gator. 6. He (to major) in law.

3. Put questions to the italicized words:

Example: He works in court. - Where does he work?

1. My father works at the Prosecutor’s office, he is a prosecutor. 2. My sister is a stu­dent, she studies at the University of Hertfordshire. 3. We usually read periodicals in the library. 4. Her parents always give her useful advice. 5. The government controls Parliament. 6. The United Kingdom Parliament consists of two Houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. 7. The law punishes criminals. 8. The jurisdiction of the courts extends to all legal relations.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 454 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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