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Medicines are used to treat or prevent disease. For thousands of years people have been using medicines. In the earliest times they used natural substances from fruits, leaves, roots to ease pain and bring relief. Some of the early remedies worked for some reasons. For instance, mouldy bread was used as a poultice and the antibiotic produced by the mould helped to destroy the bacteria causing the infection. Many of “old wives’ tales” would still be useful if we did not have modern drugs.

Early examples of medicines include opium, which is found in oriental poppy, known as the “jolly plant”. This has been used as a sedative and pain killer for at least 7,000 years. In South America, the leaves of the coca shrub were chewed by the Incas to relieve fatigue and hunger. Eventually in 1859, the pure drug cocaine was extracted from these leaves. Cocaine was developed and used as local anesthetic in dentistry and surgery.

Many different herbs and plants have been used to provide natural extracts from which modern medicines have been extracted and developed. For example, morphine and codeine have been extracted and purified from raw opium for medical purposes. Digitalis, a heart drug, is made from foxglove leaves, and aspirin-like compounds can be developed from the bark of willow trees.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 715 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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