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Cholesterol холестерол

dane датчанин


1. Translate into Russian:

to provide protein; attainment of business; essential amino acids; amino acids like lysine and methionine; average number of calories; proportion of all calories; most calories come from; come from carbohydrates; amino acid composition; protein content of fish fresh; the fats found in seafood; fats particularly beneficial to human health; diets are high in chicken eggs; milk products and red meat.

2. Translate into Russian.

Сосредотачиваться на статистических данных; сырье для непищевых продуктов; необходимые амино кислоты для здоровья человека; увеличивать (уменьшать) доход; доля калорий из зерна и из белка; процентное содержание протеина в мясе рыбы; сравнивать здоровье эскимосов и датчан; пища богатая куриным яйцом, молочными продуктами и красным мясом; пища богатая морепродуктами; пища, в которой содержание животного белка низкое; доля всех калорий; потреблять углеводы в первую очередь из зерна.

3. Answer the questions.

1.Why are fish so important for humans?

2.What is food that high in animal protein rich in?

3.What’s the result of an epidemiological study comparing the health of Eskimos and Danes?

4. Translate the sentences

1.Рыба необходима для человека как продукт питания, т.к. она является источником протеина, как сырье для многих не пищевых продуктов. Рыба-это бизнес и политика.

2.Пища, которая содержит животный белок, богата амино кислотами такими как лизин и метионин.

3.Амино кислоты являются составными частями белка.

4.Человек получает калории либо из животного протеина либо из углеводов. Но калории вырабатываемые из углеводов не могут обеспечивать организм человека всеми амино кислотами необходимыми для здоровья.

5.Было проведено эпидемиологическое исследование для сравнения здоровья эскимосов и датчан. Пища датчан насыщена куриным мясом и яйцом, молочными продуктами и красным мясом животным. Эскимосы, как известно, питаются исключительно рыбой. Исследования показали, что у эскимосов значительно меньше случаев заболевания сердца, псориаза и бронхиальной астмы, чем у датчан. (coronary heart disease, psoriasis, bronchial asthma)

5. Summarize the text.



The primary mode of processing fishery products is now freezing, which has increased in importance over the years and is used for 23% of fishery production. Fresh products account for 20% of global production followed by curing and canning at 15% and 12%. Curing implies preservation practices like drying, smoking and salt-ing, which like canning, avoid the need for refrigeration. The remaining 30% of fishery production is used industrially, mainly in the form of fish meal and is not directly eaten by people.

Among the majority of fishery products (those used directly as food), there is a wide range in the portion of the product that is consumed. Larger fishes range from 25% to 75% edible portion of the total weight. In other word’s fishes with big heads and fins like rockfish might yield fillets that weigh only one fourth the weight of the live fishes but meatier fishes like salmon yield up to three quarters edible weight. Of course, small fishes like anchovies and sardines are eaten whole, either dried or canned. Among shellfish, shrimp have about 50% edible portion while oysters may have only about 7%. Seaweed products are usually 100% edible.

There are over 200 taxonomic families of animals and plants that yield fishery products. These organisms include algae, fin fish, crustaceans, molluscs, mammals and others. In most cases, it is the muscle tissue of an animal that is eaten, cooked or uncooked, but there are as many variations for eating fishes and shell fishes as one can imagine. Often we consume fishery products without realizing it, unless we read labels very carefully. Substances extracted from seaweeds occur in a wide range of food and nonfood products.

Among sea urchins, sturgeon, herring and other fishes, the eggs (caviar) or gonads (roe) can be important products. This brings us to the three “s” words in fishery products: sushi, sashimi and surimi.

Sushi refers to a rice preparation that is sticky and slightly sweet (sour) over which various fishery products, usually raw, are placed. Sea urchin roe, raw squid, fish roe, boiled octopus, raw shrimp and raw pieces of fish of many kinds (frequently salmon) are served with sushi rice in sushi bars. Often the sushi preparations are wrapped with a type of seaweed called nori. Sushi bars are now popular in the USA and many countries around the world including Russia.

Sashimi refers to fish or other sea food that is thinly sliced and eaten raw. Eating sashimi is a long-held dietary practice in Asia and is gaining popularity in the United States. The prime fish for sashimi is either tuna or salmon, but many types of fishes and shell fishes are used. The sea is usually dipped in soy sauce and wasabi, a green Japanese horse radish paste. The consumption of uncooked fishes raises the issue of parasites that might infect humans and lead to health problems. Carefully prepared sea food sashimi is generally safe to eat. While sushi and sashimi are becoming much more familiar to western nations as tastes in food are broadening, the big news that is changing the global marketing of fishery products in recent years is surimi. Surimi is a processed fish product pioneered by the Japanese. The surimi process utilizes relatively inexpensive marine fishes with white flesh like Alaska pollock. The making of surimi is essentially a high-technology industrial process that results in a minced and gelled fish protein product that can be modified by the addition of flavorings and textures into countless consumer products. The surimi revolution in fishery products has only begun. Many of these products are analogues of other seafood, such as crab. Surimi can be processed at sea, stored by freezing for long periods and yields products of high and predictable quality for different market tostes around the world.


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