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Design procedure for furrow cutback systems

Any procedure which attempts to maximize application efficiencies will determine the minimal waste trade-off point between tailwater and deep percolation. Small values of inflow reduce tailwater losses but increase deep percolation losses. Large furrow flows advance over the field rapidly thereby providing the potential for greater application uniformity and less deep percolation, but also greater tailwater losses as the water flows from the field for a longer time.

One method of minimizing tailwater is to reduce the furrow inflow when the advance phase is completed. Most cutback systems are designed to operate in two concurrent sets, one advance phase set and one wetting or ponding; set. The advance phase and the wetting phase are both equal in duration to the required intake opportunity time. One of the most common cutback systems is that proposed by Garton (1966) and is illustrated in Figure 54. The head ditch is divided into a series of level bays with spires or other means of diverting water into the furrows. As is shown, the differences in bay elevations correspond to the head on the outlets needed to provide the desired advance phase flow and the wetting flow simultaneously.

The design procedure for the system illustrated in Figure 54 follows a sequence not entirely unlike that of the non-cutback systems but with several points of additional concern. In addition to information describing the furrow geometry, infiltration characteristics, field slope and length, and the required application, it is also necessary to know the relationship between head ditch water level and the furrow inflow:

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 223 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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