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Fill in the blanks with words from the following list

Business, died, reservation, worry-free, continental breakfast, here it is, take care, credit card, I’ll be staying, vacation

Front desk clerk: Welcome to the Peachtree Plaza. Do you have a_______?

Client: Yes, I do. ____________for two or three weeks.

Front desk clerk: Are you here for _________or pleasure?

Client: Could you speak more slowly?

Front desk clerk: Is this a business trip or just a __________?

Client: Both, actually. My aunt ____________recently in Atlanta. I’ve come to _________of her estate.

Front desk clerk: I’m sorry for your loss. We’ll make your stay here as_________as possible.

Client: Thank you.

Front desk clerk: We have room 758 reserved for you. Will you be paying with cash or a credit card?

Client: A credit card. __________. What’s the rate?

Front desk clerk: $129.00 per night. There’s also a complimentary________. I need to make an imprint of your ___________.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 529 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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