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Letter 2

Dear Sir,

I recently had the bad luck to stay in your hotel, and I am now forced to write to you to express my disgust with the service you provided.

From the moment I arrived I was treated in an unfriendly manner. I also found that the promises you made in your advertisement were not true. The hotel was not relaxing it was noisy and uncomfortable. The restaurant was not romantic, and indeed it was hardly a restaurant, as it offered very little variety of food.

Furthermore, there was no transport into town. When I complained about this I was simply told there was a bus strike. Surely you could have provided a taxi service for your guests.

I am a fairly reasonable man, and I am quite prepared to put up with a little inconvenience, but this was too much for me.

If I do not receive a satisfactory explanation and appropriate compensation, I shall be forced to take the matter further. I am sending a copy of this letter to my solicitor and to the local tourist board.

Yours faithfully

Sean Penn

Keys: II.3

1 – d 2 – b 3 – b 4 – a 5 – d 6 – b 7 – a 8 – c 9 – d 10 – a

Keys: II.4

1 – f 2 – g 3 – c 4 – a 5 – b 6 – d 7 – h 8 – e

Keys: task 2

1 – d 2 – h 3 – g 4 – i 5 – a 6 – c 7 – j 8 – b 9 – f 10 – e

Key: II (1)

1 - g 2 - d 3 - c 4 - a 5 - e 6 - b 7 - f

Key II (2)

1 - d 2 - e 3 -f 4 - c 5 - a 6 - g 7 - b


Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 386 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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