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Вправа 22. Запам'ятайте подані слова та словосполучення:

breakdown / wreck аварія, поломка

boot / trunk / tank бак

brakes гальма

petrol / gas бензин, пальне

wheel / puncture колесо / пробите колесо

flat tyre спущена шина

to knock стукати

a driving licence права водія

to rent a car брати машину напрокат

bonnet / hood капот

clutch зчеплення

gear / gear level передача / перемикання швидкості

headlamp фара

horn сигнал, гудок

needle стрілка

plug свічка

seat (front / back) сидіння (переднє / заднє)

spare parts запчастини

windscreen лобове скло

wiper очисник лобового скла

jack домкрат

Вправа 23. Прочитайте та перекладіть діалог.

- Four gallons of petrol, please.

- Certainly. Shall I check the engine?

- Yes, please. It’s been knocking for some time.

- The radiator is leaking, by the way. It’s no good, you have to change it for a new one.

- Do I? Will you also have a look at the back wheel? The left one.

- Oh, yes, the tyre is flat. There’s a puncture in it.

- Oh, dear. So, it’s the engine, the radiator, the wheel … I wonder, how much it’s going to cost me.

- Let me see … About five hundred pounds for the new parts and another hundred for the fitting (налагодження).

- I’m afraid this wreck isn’t worth (варта) all that money …

Вправа 24. Поставте подані репліки в логічній послідовності.

- It’s a Volvo.

- Excuse me, could you send a mechanic?

- I’ve had a breakdown.

- OK. I’m putting it down (записую). What kind of car do you have?

- Something serious?

- Our man will be with you within half an hour.

- Well, I can’t be sure – the engine just stopped and won’t start. May be something wrong with the brakes.

- Where are you?

- I am on A 234. It’s some ten kilometers from Pendrift.

- What’s the problem?

Вправа 25. Заповніть пропуски в діалозі, репліками поданими нижче.

- Excuse me, could you lend me your jack?

- Sure. …?

- It’s just a flat tyre.

- …?

- No, It’ll take me just a couple of minutes to fix it.

- …?

- Yes. I am afraid I’ll have to borrow (позичити) that, too. If you have one.

- ….

- Will you show me how it works? ….

Do you need a pump? I don’t want to ruin it. Can I help you? I do. Here you are. What happened?

Вправа 26. Перекладіть діалог.

- Я хотів би взяти машину напрокат.

- У вас є права?

- Так, я отримав права у 18 років.

- Яку машину Ви б хотіли узяти?

- Вольво.

- Скільки це буде коштувати?

- П’ятсот фунтів.

- Будь ласка, перевірте двигун та рівень бензину.

- Двигун у нормі та бак повний.

V. Граматичні вправи

Вправа 27. Поставте дієслова “to be” та “to have” в потрібну часову форму.

1. I (to be) a cadet next year. 2. V. Pravik and V. Kibenok (to be) graduates of our Academy. 3. Last year he (to be) a student of the University of Civil Protection. 4. Rescuers (to have) many duties. 5. I (to be) an officer of civil protection. 6. Our Academy (to be) one of the leading educational establishments. 7. Our Academy (to be) created in 2007. 8. This rescuer (to have) a new protective breathing apparatus. 9. Next year we (to have) practice in fire rescue units. 10. Last year sportsmen (to have) gold, silver and bronze medals.

Вправа 28. Визначте допоміжні дієслова в поданих реченнях та вкажіть видо-часову форму.

1. Good communication becomes very important here. 2. Firefighters take all their skills, knowledge and abilities to mitigate the fire. 3. There are three methods of fire attack. 4. The air compressor injected the air into the hoseline to create fluffy foam. 5. This firefighter is extinguishing fire now. 6. He has graduated from the Academy this year. 7. This victim was rescued two hours ago. 8. Rescuers must be ready to save victims trapped in road accidents. 9. The property will be damaged by fire. 10. This rescue operation is performed by our cadets. 11. Two fatal home fires have occurred in our city this week. 12. I shall enter the Academy next year.

Вправа 29. Зробіть подані речення заперечними та поставте до них всі види питань.

1. This earthquake happened some years ago. 2. The victims of the train crash are bleeding severely. 3. LFB responds quickly to all emergency calls. 4. Firefighters provide round-the-clock cover. 5. I shall graduate from the Academy in three years. 6. This fire is much spoken about. 7. The ambulance has just arrived at the fire scene. 8. The rescuer is determining the condition of the victim now. 9. The fire engine will arrive in five minutes. 10. Firefighters must arrive at the accident scene in a few minutes. 11. The fire cause was determined by the investigator. 12. Senior officers began their careers as firefighters. 13. They have bought an ABC extinguisher this morning. 14. This building will be inspected tomorrow.

Вправа 30. Поставте подані речення у всі можливі часові форми.

1. People (to suffer) from natural and environmental disasters. 2. Firefighters (to locate) the fire. 3. Firefighters (to test) fire alarm systems. 4. Our teacher (to explain) the construction of the fire hose. 5. Our cadets (to stretch) hose lines. 6. The rescuer (to save) this victim. 7. Firemen (to fight) the fire aggressively. 8. The task of firefighters (to be) to save the property. 9. The doctor (to examine) the victims. 10. The cadets (to clean) dirt from the hose with the brush.

Вправа 31. Виберіть потрібну форму дієслова із дужок.

1. This hose (is used, uses) by the trained personnel to fight fires. 2. The maintenance of the fire hose (includes, is including) some basic measures. 3. The firefighter already (helps, has helped) the fire investigator by his observations 4. The rescuers (conducted, are conducting) the primary survey now. 5. Chornobyl disaster (killed, kills) many people. 6. This territory (contaminated, was contaminated) many years ago. 7. Tomorrow the wind (will change, has changed) its direction. 8. As a rule firefighters (are preventing, prevent) many fires. 9. This fire (will extinguish, will be extinguished) by firefighters in some hours. 10. Last year many people (leave, left) their homes because of the danger of flood. 11. They (have used, are used) salt to put out grease fire in the kitchen today. 12. These old houses (destroyed, were destroyed) by the fire. 13 Next year this fire rescue unit (will have, has) two new vehicles. 14. I (am making, make) a report now.

Вправа 32. Перекладіть подані речення, звертаючи увагу на стан дієслова.

1. A ladder is defined as a structure used to climb up and down. 2. This cadet describes the functions of the different types of ladders. 3. The firefighting team will enter the building very carefully. 4. The wooden structures of the building were examined by the firefighters. 5. The search for hidden fires will be done by the fire investigator. 6. The lungs and respiratory tract of this firefighter were injured by the products of combustion. 7. A firefighter needs protection against smoke and excessive heat. 8. Firefighters have already done the size-up. 9. Many victims are poisoned with toxic gases. 10. This method was applied both for vertical and horizontal ventilation.

Вправа 33. Виберіть із дужок потрібну форму модального дієслова та перекладіть подані речення.

1. These victims (can, must) be given the first aid. 2. The opening of the door or the window on the wrong side of the building (may, must) reverse air currents and drive heat and smoke back upon the firefighters. 3. The doctors (may, must) begin treatment of the injured children immediately. 4. The ambulance service (may, must) provide basic life support in case of emergency. 5. The fire engine (can, must) arrive as soon as possible at the fire scene. 6. Face and eye shields (must, can) be worn by firefighters in smoky and gaseous areas. 7. The electric wire (can, must) be cut on both sides of the victim. 8. If the victim is bleeding the rescuer (may, must) take appropriate measures to stop bleeding. 9. This cadet (may, can) do the scientific report. 10. If the pulse (cannot, must not) be felt at the wrist of the victim, he (may, must) be provided artificial respiration. 11. If you (may not, cannot) see your feet in the gaseous area, do not remain standing. 12. You (may not, cannot) touch the electric wire with wet hands.

Вправа 34. Трансформуйте подані розповідні речення в наказові. Перекладіть подані речення.

Зразок: I am leaving the house. – Leave the house!

I am not leaving the house. – Don’t leave the house.

1. I am cutting the electric wire with wire cutters. 2. He is checking the pulse regularity. 3. We are providing artificial respiration. 3. I am not touching the electric wire with wet hands. 4. I am not driving too fast. 5. He is not standing near the burning house. 6. They are not playing with matches. 7. We are ventilating the room. 8. He is closing the entry door to prevent the spread of fire. 9. They are wearing protective breathing apparatus. 10. She is placing a sterile bandage on the victim’s wound.

Вправа 35. Перекладіть подані речення, звертаючи увагу на ступені порівняння прикметників та прислівників.

1. Наша Академія – один із найкращих спеціальних вищих навчальних закладів України. 2. Цей пожежний автомобіль більш сучасний, ніж той. 3. Ці курсанти - найсильніші у нашому взводі. 4. Курсанти вашого взводу – найрозумніші. 5. Ця пожежна частина знаходиться ближче, ніж та. 6. У студентів заняття розпочинаються пізніше, ніж у курсантів. 7. Цей газ важчий, ніж повітря. 8. Твої краги брудніші, ніж мої. 9. Професія пожежника є найнебезпечнішою. 10. Курсанти його взводу більш ввічливі, ніж курсанти її взводу. 11. Найжахливіша пожежа трапилася на найвужчій вулиці міста. 12. Ті методи пожежегасіння є більш ефективними, ніж ці. 13. Це питання простіше, ніж те. 14. Наш пожежний автомобіль прибув швидше, ніж їх.

Вправа 36. Перефразуйте подані словосполучення, використавши присвійний відмінок іменника.

The task of the firefighter, the duties of the fire investigator, the vehicle of the brigade, the survey of victims, the responsibility of the firefighters, the helmets of the cadets, the poisoning of children, the property of people, the information of this officer, the temperature of the injured persons, the crime of the arsonist, the arrival of the rescuers, the behaviour of these patients, the atmosphere of the Earth.

Вправа 37. Утворіть множину іменників.

Fireman, hero, life, faculty, establishment, engine, boy, area, basis, molecule, concentration, density, trousers, foot, roof, radius, datum, football-player, phenomenon, goose, platoon, analysis, proof, emergency, instrument, hose, formula, nucleus, child, tooth, cadet, apparatus, photo, contents, mathematics, mouse, winner, specialist, employee, laboratory, advice, news, wife, deer, officer, ox, match, school-leaver, exercise, lecture, key, product, tank, type, shape, size, substance, variety, ingredient, package, hazard, agency, scissors, responder, incident, law, information, team, instruction, material, extinguisher, crew, violation, sheep, wages.

Вправа 38. Перекладіть подані речення, звертаючи увагу на вживання неособових форм дієслова.

1. Horizontal ventilation permits combustible products to be pushed out of the building. 2. By opening the channel for the products of combustion the heated smoke and steam vent from the fire room. 3. Three methods are used when dealing with patients’ external bleeding. 4. For patients showing signs of internal bleeding or shock, there are some other actions the firefighter can take to assist the patient. 5. This earthquake is known to be the most destructive. 6. It is important for the firefighters to wear all items of their protective clothing. 7. We observe the rescuer cutting the electrical wires on both sides of the victim. 8. We saw the fire inspector investigate the fire scene. 9. The Great Fire in London was considered to be the most horrible. 10. When confronted with leakage of toxic substances the situation is considered to be very dangerous. 11. The officer-in-charge is considered to be one of the most responsible persons at the fire scene. 12. The firefighters had their fire engines mended. 13. The cadet wants his scientific work to be finished in time. 14. This young officer proved to be a good specialist. 15. The fire extinguished, firemen returned to the fire department. 16. The house being destroyed by the fire, they were given a temporary accomodation.

Вправа 39. Перекладіть подані речення, звертаючи увагу на вживання видо-часових форм дієслова.

1. Пожежники гасять пожежі щодня. 2. Пожежники гасять пожежу зараз. 3. Пожежники погасили пожежу вчора. 4. Пожежники вже погасили цю пожежу. 5. Радіоактивний контроль здійснюється працівниками служби цивільного захисту. 6. Ці постраждалі були врятовані кілька годин тому. 7. Ми закінчимо Академію через три роки. 8. Цей пожежний автомобіль буде відремонтовано завтра. 9. Курсанти спостерігали як вогнеборці гасять пожежу. 10. Цей курсант любить вивчати іноземні мови. 11. Паління – шкідливо. 12. Після того як заняття закінчилося, курсанти залишили аудиторію. 13. Відомо, що ця повінь зруйнувала багато будівель. 14. Книга про історію пожежної охорони, написана цим автором, є дуже цікавою. 15. Рятувальник підійшов до постраждалих, які важко дихали. 16. Цю речовину вважають отруйною.

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