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Safety first

Every year one of five children in Britain gets injuries in an accident serious enough to need hospital treatment. Falls and fractures are the commonest causes of injuries, other dangers are cuts, burns and poisoning. Of course, children also can get hurt outdoors, especially when they are playing near the house or walking across the road. Children are always prone to bumps and bruises but most injuries are preventative if they follow some simple safety measures.

Everybody knows that children like to run and jump much, so they must use special covering to protect their elbows and knees from various kinds of traumas.

To avoid the possibility of children’s poisoning parents must lock up all tablets and other dangerous substances. We must remember that many house plants are very poisonous. Don’t permit your children to touch them.

Children are naturally very curious for all things that are around them, they are usually unaware of danger. Never leave children alone in the kitchen, keep boiling kettles and hot irons away from them until they become cool. Explain your children that it is forbidden to play with matches, keep them out of children’s reach. Children must know that it is very dangerous to touch rosettes and electrical wire with wet hands, because they may be struck with the electric current.

Very often children get injuries in traffic accidents, so it is important for them to be very attentive while crossing the street. They must walk only if the traffic-lights are green. If children follow these simple guidelines, they will always be safe and sound.

to get hurt поранитися

outdoors надворі

elbow лікоть

knee коліно

especially особливо

to walk across переходити вулицю

to be prone бути схильним

bump гуля

to follow слідувати

to avoid уникати

to lock up замикати, тримати під замком

substance речовина

electric current електричний струм

to remember пам’ятати

to be curious бути цікавим

to be unaware of danger не знати про небезпеку

boiling kettle чайник, що кипить

iron праска

to explain пояснювати

it is forbidden заборонено

to be attentive бути уважним

guideline вказівка, порада

sound здоровий, непошкоджений

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 1172 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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