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Passage planning in restricted waters

Passage planning is of particular importance when river transits are involved. Particular attention should be made to areas where it is not considered prudent to allow activities such as overtaking to take place.

A record must be kept in Bridge- Navigational Note Book. It should be remembered that proximity to the known danger is of fundamental importance and can only be achieved by position fixing using prominent targets in the vicinity - i.e. cross bearings, radar range and bearing. Reference to latitude and longitude from satellite information is often inaccurate in such circumstances as the waters may not be surveyed to that degree of accuracy.

Masters should remember that although there is a pilot on board the pilot is only there as an advisor to the Master who remains fully responsible through out. Consequently the Master must establish with the pilot clear communication guidelines to ensure that he is properly consulted by him when there is either a variation from the agreed plan or prior to close quaters situations being undertaken and all matters which might have some adverse effect on the vessel. Master should insist that all VHF and other communications with the pilot related to the vessel's navigation are in English. The Master must always be in a position to directly take over from a pilot who, in his opinion, is hazarding the safe navigation of the vessel.

All officers must be aware of the effects of "Bank Effect", "Squat", "Shallow water", "Passing" and "Overtaking" and any combination of the mentioned factors.

Passage planning gives adequate information to those in charge of the navigational watch to enable them to be in a position to assess danger peculiar to the passage and thereby safely navigate the vessel. Passage planning can be considered as a management activity where the relevant controls have been thought in advance: decide the navigational techniques to be used and prepare safe tracks, verify that the navigational instruments needed are available and that errors are checked; prepare for contingencies; show clearly currents, special points of concern, VHF frequencies, planned ETA, speed and reporting points.


overtaking – обгон

proximity – близость

prominent target – видная цель

peculiar – особый

to survey – осматривать, производить съемку

close quarter situation – ситуация чрезмерного сближения

hazard – опасность

contingency – случайность


1. What do we mean when we speak about restricted waters?

2. When is it compulsory to take pilot?

3. What functions do pilots perform?

4. What does passage planning give us?

5. What factors must be taken into consideration while planning the forthcoming voyage?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 352 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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