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Choose the correct answer. 1.Tax accountants suggest ways to save money on

1. Tax accountants suggest ways to save money on……….

a) license; b) taxes; c) busines; d) report.

2. Employment in many accounting fields is expected to grow through the 1990’s.

a) reports; b)taxes; c) fields; d) firms.

3. Accounting requires the ability………, analyze problems.

a) to gather data; b) performance report; c) obtained a license;

d) seek a profit.

4. A……… education with a major in accounting is good preparation for an accounting career.

a)university; b)institute; c) school; d) college.


Bookkeeping is the systematic process of analyzing, recording, and summarizing the economic transactions of a business or other organization. Organizations and individuals use bookkeeping because it provides orderly and accurate information about their financial transactions.

Bookkeeping is closely related to accounting. Bookkeeping mainly deals with recording and analyzing financial information. Accountants do these activities but also design and install information systems, perform audits, interpret financial statements, and prepare tax returns.

The type of bookkeeping system an organization uses is determined by such factors as the size and nature of the organization and the different kinds of reports that must be prepared. Most small businesses have simple bookkeeping systems, but large organizations usually need more complex systems.

Bookkeepers often use special machines and computers to prepare such items as invoices, customer statements, payrolls, and checks. Many organizations have completely computerized their bookkeeping and information systems.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 255 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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