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My flat

I live in a new nine-storied block of flats in Pushkin street. Our house is of modern design. There is a big grocery on the ground floor and it's very convenient to do everyday shopping. In front of the house there is a children's playground and a small garden. We like to spend time there.

Our flat is on the 3rd floor. It is very comfortable. We have all modern conveniences, such as central heating, electricity, gas, cold and hot running water and a telephone.

There are 3 rooms in our flat: a living room and two bedrooms. We also have a kitchen, a bathroom, a small entrance hall and two balconies. Our living room is the largest in the flat. It is nicely furnished.

Our bedrooms are also very nice and cosy. The parents' bedroom is larger than the children's. There are two beds, a bedside table, some chairs and wardrobe in it. There is a lovely carpet on the floor between the beds.

The children's bedroom is just across the corridor on the right. Here you can see two sofa-beds where my sister and I sleep at night and have a rest in the day-time. There is also a writing-table, two chairs and some bookshelves here. We use our bedroom as a study where we do our homework. In the corner of the room there is a small table with a tape-recorder on it. We all enjoy listening to music.

Our kitchen is rather large. There is a gas-stove, 4 stools, a refrigerator and a cupboard in which we keep cups, plates and all our dishes. The kitchen serves us as a dining-room. The bathroom is near the kitchen. Here we keep our toilet articles, have a bath and a shower. The entrance hall is small. There is a hall-stand and a mirror on the wall. A telephone is on a special table under the mirror. We are happy to have such a nice flat and try to keep it clean.


1. Where do you live?

2. Do you live in a private house or in a block of flats?

3. Is there a garden in front of your house?

4. What is the next to your house? Is your house far from the bus stop?

5. What floor is your flat on?

6. What modern conveniences are there in your flat?

7. Is your flat large or small? How many rooms are there in your flat? What are they?

8. How is your living-room furnished? Do you often get together in your living room?

9. In what room do you receive guests?

10. Are you happy with your flat?


sofa-bed диван-кровать

sideboard сервант

chair стул

armchair кресло

stool табурет

building здание

house дом

private house частный дом

block of flats многоквартирный дом

entrance подъезд

balcony балкон

floor пол, этаж

convenience удобства

central heating центральное отопление

electricity электричество

running water водопровод

flat квартира

bedroom спальня

living room гостиная

study кабинет

kitchen кухня

entrance hall прихожая

lavatory туалет

furniture мебель

TV set телевизор

table стол

desk парта

move to переезжать

live жить

keep the house clean содержать дом в чистоте

bookcase книжный шкаф

bookshelf книжная полка

piano пианино

tape-recorder магнитофон

carpet ковер

curtain занавеска

picture картина

bedside table тумбочка

wardrobe комод, платяной шкаф

cupboard посудный шкаф

fridge холодильник

stove плита

toilet articles туалетные принадлежности

mirror зеркало

hall-stand вешалка

cosy уютный

of modern design современный


- So Geoff, this is your home!

- That's right. Do you like it?

- I like it very much. It's a very nice boat. It's so quiet here on the river.

- It's noisy in the summer with the tourist boats, but in winter it's perfect.

- How big is it?

- Well, it's a special type of boat for the canals, which are very narrow in Britain. It's called a narrow boat and it's ten metres long and about two metres wide.

- Ten metres! Is it difficult to drive it along the canals?

- At first it's difficult, but after a while, with practice, it's quite easy.

- But I suppose with ten metres, you have a lot of space.

- Yes, well, we're in the living room, and there's a kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms through there.

- How many people live in the boat with you?

- My wife and our baby daughter, three people in all...

- Three of you, I see. And what sort of furniture do you have?

- Well, there's a fridge and a cooker, several armchairs, a television and a shower, but there isn't room for a bath and a dishwasher. But it's quite comfortable.

- And what's the most important item for you?

- I suppose it's my computer. Yes, it's my computer.

Translate into English:

1. Наш дом находится на улице Горького. Мы переехали туда 2 года тому назад.

2. У него 2-комнатная квартира на 2 этаже.

3. На 2м этаже все квартиры без балконов.

4. Все комнаты: гостиная, спальня и кабинет небольшие, но они уютно обставлены.

5. В гостиной находится сервант, угловой диван, цветной телевизор, два кресла и журнальный столик.

6. На столе стоит ваза с цветами.

7. Наша кухня - довольно большая. Там есть плита, холодильник, посудный шкаф, стол и несколько стульев.

8. В ванной хранятся различные предметы туалета.

9. На стене в коридоре находится вешалка и зеркало.

10. Мы поддерживаем порядок в квартире.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 440 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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