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What is it a right resume?

A resume is an introduction, one page, one short chance at proving you are a qualified and experienced candidate who should be hired by a company. It wraps up all your life experiences, needs to be professional, to the point and perfect. A resume must present a clear picture of the candidate. For this you should know what a potential employer expects.

They look at the person’s experience with a company, how long the person has worked for a company or to see if he is a “job jumper”. The person should be able to present himself in a resume. Your resume must be right, standard format, typed. To offer details about spouses and children is not necessary and not professional.

So what should be in a resume?

Begin with the basics. Your name, address and phone (fax) number should always go at the top of your resume. There is no need to include the words “resume” or “c/v” – they take up precious space.

State a resume objective. It should be below the name, address and phone number and be a clear and concise job objective. Using it forces you to tailor your resume to a particular position or company, as well as provides an immediately clear sense of direction to those people who will be reviewing your resume. The main objective of your writing a resume – to demonstrate your abilities for a particular position – so state it clearly at the top. Focus on the position and career path you are going after, and state exactly what you want. It should be more than “Objective: To work in a challenging environment”.

Talk about your accomplishments in your “Experience” section. Focus on achievements at your present and previous jobs, especially those that involve problem-solving, management skills, critical thinking and initiative. These should be listed chronologically, beginning with your most recent position and then moving through previous jobs, as long as they provide applicable experience to the position you are seeking. Always use action verbs in your job description: words like “administrated”, “analyzed”, “coordinated”, “evaluated”, “negotiated”, “reviewed” and “supervised” offer a stronger presentation of your abilities. But keep the description short and to the point, and also make sure everything listed is relevant.

Include a section about your education, list it before your experience only if your educational history is stronger than your work background. This is often best for first-time job seeker who don’t have much work experience. Make sure to list any additional courses you have taken that might be relevant to the job you are seeking, including specific company training programs or language courses.

Personal data should be included in a short section at the end of your resume. Including information about your marital status, number of children, health and physical characteristics is always unnecessary. Include such categories as language fluency, extensive travel history or specific computer skills. Don’t include references on your resume.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 394 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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