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Task 9. Choose the ending for each sentence from the two versions given

1. Distributed processing in a client\server or peer-to-peer environment

a) is very popular because it provides high levels of processing power at a low price.

b) is very popular because it provides the highest levels of processing power at a high price.

2. A series of programmed software modules

a) eliminates much of the design work required with programming languages or application development tools.

b) requires much of the design work with programming languages or application development tools.

3. An application development tool is

a) essentially a type of software construction kit containing building blocks that can be assembled into a software product.

b) a software kit that can’t be assembled into a software product.

4. RFPs and RFQs help the team

a) collect information for the important decisions.

b) determine information for the important decisions.

5. Technical criteria for hardware might include

a) processing speed, reliability, upgradability, maintenance cost, and warranty.

b) reliability, compatibility, and the availability of patches to fix program errors.

6. Many project failures are often referred to as features creep

a) because of changes in needs.

b) because old features tend to creep into the development process.

Task 10. Which word does not belong to the group?

a) research, require, study, examine;

b) collect, gather, determine, take;

c) reliability, compatibility, digitizing, availability;

d) creep,steal, get into, include;

e) card, set, kit, collection;

f) sheave, block, database, pulley.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 746 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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