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Exercise 6. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets

1. Computers (to use) to provide cash to users and to process bank cards such as Visa cards using an automatic teller machine.

2. A microprocessor (to calculate) the speed of the car from the changes in the radio waves.

3. When the smart card (to take back) to the police station, the driver’s details (to obtain) from the DVLC (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Centre).

4. New systems (to prevent) ‘surfing’ i.e. where the driver only (to slow) down as they (to pass) through the speed trap.

5. The registration numbers of vehicles exceeding the speed limit immediately

6. (to download) to the computer at police headquarters.

7. At police headquarters each vehicle (to match) with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Centre database.

8. Standard letters then (to print off) addressed to the vehicle owners.

Exercise 7. Put the words in the right order to make correct sentences.

1. his / into / puts / the / enters / PIN / customer / the / card / machine / and / his /number

2. magnetic / on / is / the / strip / the / on / information / read / by / ATM / the / card / the

3. contains / the / name / strip / the / holder / the / account / of / number / his /

4. account / the / and / network

5. computer / a / holds / central / on / accounts / many / information

6. are / account / the / customer’s / number / in / his / amount / money / of / PIN /and/checked / the

7. the / instructed / cash / to / requested / the / is / dispense / ATM

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 1026 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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