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Task 2. Discuss the following questions

1. What does the term “computer software” mean?

2. What does this term include?

3. What tasks does application software perform?

4. Is there any difference between computer software and hardware?

5. Who and when invented the term “software”?

6. Practical computer systems divide software systems into three major classes. What are they?

7. What is the purpose of systems software (programming software, application software)?

8. What kinds of files are included in a typical software product?

9. Why does software require so many files?

10. How does a programmer “write” software?

11. How does a computer process a program?

12. How is software categorized?

Task 3. Mark the following statements as True or False.

1. Computer software typically consists of many files that contain user-executable programs, support programs and data files.

2. The main executable file provides the primary set of instructions for the computer to execute and calls various support programs and data files as needed.

3. Support programs often have file extensions such as.txt,.bmp, and.hlp.

4. Individuals often write software for their personal computers.

5. High-level languages are fairly easy to test and modify.

6. A compiler converts high-level instructions into a new file containing machine language instructions.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 885 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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