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Task 6. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian

1. It is necessary that machine languages should be designed for a specific type of computer processor. 2. The programmer insisted that each instruction of the source program should be translated to a machine language. 3. I wish the computer program based on these fourth-generation methods required fewer statements. 4. It is time a computer user could write statements that are very much like a normal human language. 5. If I used this high-level programming language, I would develop the report based on the information stored in the computer. 6. If the programmer should use this natural language approach, tell him he doesn’t have to learn special rules of statement entry. 7. If he had used a database query language, the requests would have been phrased as normal human-language statements. 8. If it were not for your help, I shouldn’t be able to carry out the task in time. 9. But for the slow execution of the program, this instruction-by-instruction method would have become appropriate to find errors and to fix them immediately. 10. If PC users needed application programs created for farmers and mechanics, for scientists and teachers, they would buy commercial software to meet their individual needs. 11. I wish I had known FORTRAN to apply it for scientific application. 12. Had I used the Internet, I would have got the required information earlier.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 927 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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