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Task 2. Answer the questions

1. What is a computer network?

2. What does a computer network consist of?

3. What are computers on a network connected for?

4. What is a “node” in a computer network?

5. How may the computers on a network be linked?

6. What function does a network system have in addition to physically connecting computers and communication devices?

7. What are the two popular architectures used at present?

8. What is a local-area network?

9. What dictates the physical structure of a network?

10. What is the generally accepted maximum size for a LAN?

11. What wiring technologies for a LAN are there at present?

12. What does a LAN typically include?

13. What is a LAN controlled by?

14. What may LAN users have access to?

15. What is a “bridge”?

16. What is a “gateway”?

17. What is a router used for?

18. What is a wide-area network?

19. How may computer networks be linked?

20. What are WANs typically used for?

21. What do WANs built by Internet providers provide?

22. What are WANs most often built of?

23. What is the Internet?

24. What are networks within the Internet linked by?

25. What is a network protocol?

Task 3. Give synonyms (a) and antonyms (b) for the words below:

a) tap into sth, allow, link, cover (охоплювати), area, variety, seamless, various, common, topology, particular, typically, via;

b) transmission, highlight, allow, enable, cover (накривати), accept, variety, individual, various, different, particular, generally, connect.

Task 4. Which of the sentences below are true and which of them are false? Correct the false ones.

1. Increasing processing speed is the main idea of a computer network.

2. In a computer network the individual stations, called "nodes", may be computers, terminals, or communication units of various kinds.

3. The computers on a network may be linked through a communications network called a bus.

4. In addition to physically connecting computers and communication devices, a network system has the function of establishing a cohesive architecture that allows converting data as it passes between systems.

5. Ethernet and Token Ring are two popular network architectures used at present.

6. A local-area network is a computer network that covers a local area.

7. The size of a network dictates its physical structure.

8. The generally accepted maximum size for a LAN is 1 square mile.

9. A LAN typically includes two or more PCs, printers, CD-ROMs and high-capacity storage devices, called transfer points, which enable each computer on the network to access a common set of files.

10. A LAN is controlled by LAN operating system software.

11. LANs with similar architectures are linked by transfer points, called "nodes", and LANs with different architectures use "bridges" to convert data as it passes between systems.

12. A hub is used to make the connection between LANs.

13. A wide-area network is a computer network that covers a wide geographical area, involving a large number of gateways.

14. Computer networks may link the computers by means of cables, optical fibres, or satellites and modems.

15. Typically, WANs are used to connect LANs together.

16. Many WANs are built for one particular organization and are personal, others, built by Internet service providers, provide connections from a person’s LAN to the Internet.

17. WANs are most often built of leased lines.

18. At each end of the leased line, a hub is used to connect to the LAN on one side and a modem within the WAN on the other.

19. The Internet is a collection of routers and bridges linking millions of computer users on a particular continent.

20. A protocol is system software that enables computers to access a set of common files.

Task 5. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following English word-groups:

to consist of two or more computers; in order to share resources; to exchange files; to allow electronic communications; individual stations; communication units of various kinds; computers on a network; infrared light beams; in addition to physically connecting computers; the function of establishing a cohesive architecture; to allow almost seamless data transmission; various equipment types; at present; to cover a local area; file server; the generally accepted maximum size for a LAN; two common wiring technologies; to access a common set of files; to tap into wide-area networks; LANs with similar/different architectures; particular organization; Internet service providers; to provide connections from an organization’s LAN to the Internet; to be built of leased lines; a collection of networks and gateways; millions of computer users on every continent; networks within the Internet; established standards; to enable computers to communicate with each other; a number of network protocols;

by means of the Internet; a variety of information; to browse via buttons and highlighted text; sophisticated searching software known as search engines.

Task 6. Give English equivalents of the following Ukrainian word-groups:

комп’ютери в мережі; файловий сервер; окремі станції; встановлені стандарти; провайдери Інтернет-послуг; в даний час; мережі всередині Інтернету; складні пошукові програмні засоби; дві поширені технології з’єднання; за допомогою Інтернету; здійснювати обмін файлами; здійснювати перегляд за допомогою клавіш та виділеного тексту; промені інфрачервоного світла; відомі як пошукові системи; дозволяти комп’ютерам встановлювати зв’язок між собою; забезпечувати зв’язок локальної мережі організації з Інтернетом; різноманітна інформація; сукупність мереж і шлюзів; декілька мережевих протоколів; конкретна організація; робити можливим електронний зв’язок; уможливлювати майже безперервну передачу даних; мати доступ до спільного набору файлів; охоплювати локальну територію; мільйони користувачів з усіх континентів; крім фізичного з’єднання комп’ютерів; підключатися до глобальних мереж; для того, щоби спільно використовувати ресурси; загальноприйнятий максимальний розмір для локальної мережі; функція створення зв’язної архітектури; складатися з двох або більше комп’ютерів; різні типи обладнання; пристрої зв’язку різних типів; локальні мережі подібної/різної архітектури.

Task 7. Complete the sentences by properly using the words given in brackets below. Mind the correct grammar form!

1. A computer network _________ computers.

2. The _______may be linked ____ cables, telephone lines, radio waves, satellites, or infrared light beams.

3. _____ physically connecting computers and communication devices, a network system has the function of … a cohesive architecture that _________ data transmission while using various equipment types.

4. A local-area network _____ a local _____.

5. The _____ of a network ______ its physical structure.

6. _______, there are two _______ wiring technologies for a LAN, Ethernet and Token Ring.

7. LAN users may also ______ wide-area networks.

8. Many WANs are built for one ______ organization and are private.

9. The Internet is a _____ of networks and gateways linking millions of computer users on ______ continents.

10. _____ the Internet, users can ______ a variety of information browsing ______ of buttons, highlighted text, or sophisticated searching software known as search engines.

(by means of; be made up of; smooth; widespread; with the help of; all; currently; along with; enable; territory; specify; connect to; creating; set; specific; networked computers; get; by the use; embrace; configuration; multiple)

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 2001 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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