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The Gerund

The Gerund is always used after:

1. Such verbs as: avoid involve consider keep delay like deny love dislike prefer enjoy regret excuse risk finish start forgive stop hate suggest   2. Verbs followed by prepositions: accuse of look forward to agree to object to apologize for persist in approve of prevent from complain of rely on congratulate on stop from count on succeed in depend on suspect of feel like thank for give up think of insist on 3. Word combinations: be afraid of be guilty of be angry for be interested in be bored with be pleased at be busy be proud of be disappointed at be sorry for be engaged in be sure of be fond of be surprised at be good at be worried about be grateful for be worth can’t stand be responsible for can’t help be no use have difficulty in   4. Prepositions: after on before without instead of by in spite of   5. Verb+to-infinitive or -ing form: different meanings remember + to-infinitive = not forget remember + -ing form = recall   forget + to-infinitive = not remember forget + -ing form = not recall   stop + to-infinitive = stop briefly to do sth else   stop + -ing form = finish, give up 1. Stop arguingand start working. 2. I suggest taking a taxi. 3. I don’t enjoy going to the dentist. 4. Would you mind putting your pet snake somewhere else? 5. I love going to discos. 6. The children prefer watching TV to reading. 7. She risks losing all her money. 8. She denied committing the crime.   1. He is thinking of leaving his job 2. They succeeded in findinga new flat. 3. Thank you for coming. 4. He was accused of having broken the law. 5. I insisted on his coming with us. 6. I apologize for being so awkward. 7. I don’t feel like working. 8. We are looking forward to seeing you again. 9. She suspected him of deceivingher. 10. All the happiness of my life depends on yourlovingme.     1. She was afraid of falling. 2. He couldn’t help laughing. 3. There is no use crying over split milk. 4. She was sorry for being rude. 5. He is proud of having won in the chess tournament. 6. Do you have any difficulty in getting a visa? 7. “The Titanic” is worth seeing. 8. Mr Snow is very busy writing his memoirs. 9. She can’t stand going to discos. 10. Mike is fond of collectingstamps. 11. Jill is good at drawing.     1. They ran five miles without stopping. 2. Before going to bed she locked the door. 3. John went to his office in spite of beingill. 4. You can improve your figure by doing gymnastics.     1. I must remember to call my parents tonight. 2. I’ll always remember buying my firs car.   3. I forgot to tern off thr air-conditioner. 4. I’ll never forget sailing down the Nile.   5. She stopped to have a cup of coffee and then carried on with her work. 6. I think you should stop playing computer games during lessons.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 722 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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