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Exercise 10. Put the verbs in brackets into the third conditional

1. If you ____________________ (arrive) ten minutes earlier, you __________ (get) a seat.

2. If I ____________ (realize) that the traffic lights were red, I _________________________(stop).

3. If my friend ___________________ (know) my address, he _________ (find) my house.

4. If he ___________________(know) that the river was dangerous, he _________ (not try)

to swim across it.

5. If you __________ (be) in such a hurry, you _____________________(not put) sugar into the soup instead of salt.

6. We ______________________ (go) by air if we have had enough money.

7. If he __________________ (study) more, he ____________________ (pass) his exam easily.

8. If we ________________ (invite) them, they ______________________ (come) to our party.

9. If she _________________ (wear) a raincoat, she _______________________ (not get wet).

10. I _____________________ (can enter) the house if I _________________ (not lose) my key.

11. If she ______________ (have) some money on her, she __________________ (can) buy a new dress.

12. If you _______________ (write) the address properly, the parcel ________________ (not get) lost.

Exercise 11. It’s two o’clock in the morning. Roger and Diana have just come back from a party. Complete the following dialogue by putting he verbs in brackets into the correct form. Use the first, second and third conditionals.

Roger: Where’s your key?

Diana: What do you mean? You’ve got a key, haven’t you?

Roger: (1) If I had got (get) mine, I wouldn’t need_ (not need) yours, would I?

Diana: No, but I haven’t got mine.

Roger: But I told you to bring it.

Diana: No, you didn’t.

Roger: Yes, I did. (2) If you ________________ (listen), you __________________ (hear) me.

Diana: Well, I don’t remember you telling me. Anyway, I couldn’t find it.

Roger: You mean you’ve lost it again?

Diana: Not really. It’s at home somewhere. (3) I _________________________ (have) time

to look for it if we ___________________ (not leave) in such a hurry.

Roger: That’s not the point. (4) If you _____________ (be) more organized, you

_______(keep on) losing it in the first place.

Diana: That’s not fair! I don’t keep on losing it. Anyway, what are we going to do now?

We haven’t got a key.

Roger: I don’t know. I suppose I’ll have to break a window.

Diana: You can’t do that! (5) If the neighbours _____________(hear) you, they

__________ (think) we’re burglars!

Roger: All right, then. There’s a small window open in the bathroom. (6) If you

______ (stand) on my shoulders, you __________________ (be) able to reach it and then you

can climb in.

Diana: I’m not going to stand on your shoulders. I might fall off!

Roger: Don’t be silly! (7) If I ________________ (hold) your legs, you _________________ (be) quite safe.

Diana: I still don’t like it.

Roger: Look. (8) I _________________________ (climb) in myself if I (can) get through the window, but I can’t. I’m too big. You’ll have to do it.

Diana: (9) But if someone ________________ (see) me, they _______________ (call) the police!

Roger: For goodness sake! (10) It ________________________(make) things a lot easier if

you ___________________________ (not worry) about other people! Now, are you ready?

Diana: OK.

Roger: All right?

Diana: (11) If you ____________________ (move) a bit closer, I _________________ (be) able to reach. Oh! Not so fast! Roger! Oh!!

Roger: Now look what you’ve done! You’ve put your foot through the window!

Diana: Roger, there’s something I’ve got to tell you!

Roger: Honestly, can’t you do anything right! (12) If you ______________________ (not be) so careless, you ______________________________ (not break) it!

Diana: Roger, listen! I hate to tell you, but this isn’t our house!

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 1512 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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