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Exercise 11. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous

1. Look! Somebody ________________ (break) the window.

2. I wonder if John _________________ (forget) my number. I ___________________ (expect) him to call for the past two hours.

3. You look very upset. What _______________________ (happen)?

4. You ____________________ (not finish) that book yet? You ___________________ (read) it for more than a week.

5. The meat must be nearly ready. I _________________________ (cook) it for nearly an hour.

6. What you _____________________ (do) for the last two hours? – I _____________________ (sit) here working at this problem.

7. I ________________ (lose) my key. Can you help me look for it?

8. My brother is an actor. He _____________________ (appear) in several films.

9. Sorry! I’m late. – That’s all right. I ___________________________ (not wait) long.

10. She just __________________(sell) two of her paintings. – She’s lucky. I _______________ (paint) for five years and I ____________________ (not sell) a single picture yet.

11. He _____________________ (sleep) since ten o’clock. It’s time he woke up.

12. I __________________ (pump) up three tyres. Would you like to do the fourth?

13. That boy _______________ (eat) seven ice-creams.

14. That helicopter ____________________ (fly) round the house for the last hour; do you think it’s taking photographs?

15. We ___________________ (walk) ten kilometers.

16. We ________________________ (walk) for three hours.

17. I ____________________ (work) for him for ten years and he never once say “Good morning” to me.

18. The radio _____________________ (play) since 7 a.m. I wish someone would turn it off.

19. He __________________ (study) English for two years and doesn’t even know the alphabet yet.

Exercise 12. Complete the sentence with used to + the verb in brackets in positive, negative or question form.

1. What things used to be (be) different in the past?

2. For a start, all the continents ___________ (form) one large land mass.

3. Obviously, there __________ (be) cities and buildings, and forest covered a third of the Earth.

4. The climate was different, and animals such as the hippopotamus and rhinoceros ___________ (exist) in northern Europe.

5. Many mountains in Europe ___________ (be) active volcanoes.

6. Early people ___________ (live) in complex societies, but in small groups in places where they could find food.

7. What ______________ (eat)? They ____________ (eat) whatever they could find.

8. Early people _____________ (stay) in the same place, but ____________ (travel) long distances, following the animals they needed for food.

9. Jaсk ______________ (havе) a bеard but hе shavеd it off.

10. My mothеr ____________ (rеad) to mе еvеry night.

11. In thе holidays wе ________________ (mееt) at thе bеaсh еvеry morning.

12. I _______________ (not likе) spinaсh, but now I do.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 2723 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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