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Task 4. Answer the following questions

1. What is a computer? 2. What does an operating system provide? 3. What types of computers do you know? 4. What are the advantages of multimedia? 5. Name some types of devices that can be added externally to a computer? 6. Why are not all computer systems compatible? 7. What is the connection of networks throughout the world called? 8. What do we call downloading (uploading)? 9. What is the structure of the Web? 10. What services does telecommunication provide? 11. How do CD-ROMs function? 12. What is a hard disk used for?

Task 5. Give the Ukrainian equivalents for:

a spreadsheet for calculating mathematical formulae; interlinked documents; to select items from menus; by pressing a button on the mouse; displayed on a monitor screen; to be able to store information; by plugging in an expansion card; to share resources; a system designed to provide access; a vacuum-sealed case; sockets called expansion slots; to add externally to a computer; networks throughout the world.

Task 6. Find the English equivalents for the following Ukrainian word combinations.

1. видалити вірус; 2. натиснути кнопку миші; 3. інтелектуальні пристрої; 4. мініатюрний портативний комп'ютер; 5. під'єднувати до системи; 6. прикладна програма; 7. вихідні дані; 8. програма, що дозволяє шукати інформацію; 9. програмне забезпечення; 10. розвантаження.

Task 7. Memorize the following definitions.

1. A spreadsheet is a type of application program with an array of cells that is used for calculating formulae. 2. An expansion slot is a long thin connector that is used for adding additional electronics in the form of expansions cards. 3. A mouse is a common cursor control input device with two or three button switches on top and a ball underneath that is rolled on a flat surface. 4. A server is a main computer that provides a service on a network. 5. Output is the processed data or signals that come out of a computer. 6. A password is a secret code used to control access to a network system.

Task 8. Match the terms in Table A with the statements in Table B.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 1317 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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