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Exercise 18. Describe the notion “polyclinic” using the following table

1. The type of establishment.  
2. The services provided.  
3. Its structural units.  
4. The specialists working at it.  
5. When we need it.  

Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

I. Перекладіть наступні словосполучення: стан пацієнта оглянути пацієнта викликати лікаря міряти кров’яний тиск призначити лікування отримати лікарняний лист слухати серце та легені пацієнта поставити правильний діагноз зробити назначений укол дотримуватися постільного режиму   II. Дайте відповідь на наступні питання: What will a person do in case of illness? What specialists work at the polyclinic? What examinations help the physician to make a correct diagnosis? Where is the information about the patient’s condition written down? What procedures does a doctor carry out during the medical examination?   III. Розкрийте поняття: поліклініка районний лікар
Examination of the Patient

Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:

breathlessness, n ['breθlisnis] задуха
cough, n ['kɔ:f] кашель
dizziness, n [ˈdizinis] запаморочення
edema, n [iˈdi:mə] набряк
estimate, v [ˈestimеit] оцінювати
fissure, n [ˈfi∫ә] тріщина
fracture, n [ˈfrækt∫ә] перелом
haemorrhage, n ['hemәriʤ] кровотеча
headache, n ['hedeik] головний біль
height, n [hait] ріст
mental, adj [ˈmentl] розумовий, психічний
murmur, n [ˈmɜ:mə] шум
palpation, n [pælˈpeiʃn] пальпація (прощупування)
pathogenesis, n [ˏpæθəˈʤenisis] патогенез (шлях та механізм розвитку хвороби)
percussion, n [pəˈkʌʃn] перкусія (простукування)
rales, n, pl. [ra:lz] хрипи
reveal, v [riˈvi:l] виявляти
swelling, n [ˈsweliƞ] припухлість

Exercise 2. Read correctly:

ture [ʧə]: picture, fracture, nature, mixture, lecture, culture, fixture, creature, temperature;

sure [ʒə]: pleasure, measure, treasure, exposure, seizure, BUT ssure [ʃə]: pressure;

(t)ch [ʧ]: chill, chest, chin, cheek, each, much, rich, cheese, torch, touch, match, kitchen;

ch [k]: mechanism, headache, chemistry, stomach, character, technique, scheme, school;

g [g]: g a in, g o ssip, g u llet, fla g, g roin, gold, good, beg, glad, gall-bladder, gut;

g [ʤ]: g e m, g i n, g y m, stage, age, gel, luggage, damage, image, genesis, cage;

BUT g [g]: g i ft, g i rl, g e t, g i ve.

Exercise 3. a) Form the nouns with the term-elements. Explain the meaning of term-elements. Translate the pair of words into Ukrainian:

a) form the nouns with the term-element -ache: head, ear, stomach, back, tooth, arm;

b) form the nouns with the term-element patho-: genesis, biology, biochemistry, anatomy, metabolism, occlusion, physiology;

c) form the nouns with the term-element haemo-: capillary, diagnosis, dynamics, globin, dialysis, angioma.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the following word-combinations:

diagnosis: correct diagnosis, incorrect diagnosis, exact diagnosis, the diagnosis of nephritis, to make a diagnosis;

disease: a pulmonary disease, a renal disease, a mental disease, to reveal a disease, to cure a disease;

examination: examination of the patient, proper examination, physical examination, visual examination, instrumental examination;

procedure: an easy procedure, a difficult procedure, a necessary procedure, to administer a procedure, to carry out a procedure on an empty stomach;

symptom: an objective symptom, a subjective symptom, a severe symptom, a mild symptom, the symptoms of pneumonia.

Exercise 5. Read the words and translate them without dictionary:

aetiology, auscultation, accumulation, conjunctiva, cystoscopy, dysfunction, electrocardiogram, leukocytosis, palpation, tuberculosis, pathogenesis, percussion.

Exercise 6. Read and translate the following word-combinations:

before treating; to establish a diagnosis; to determine the aetiology of the disease; to know well the pathogenesis of the disease; a number of different procedures; history-taking; to include palpation, percussion, auscultation; to consist of urinalysis and blood analysis; to take electrocardiogram; to estimate the physical and mental state; to carry out an examination; to determine the borders of internal organs; fractures and fissures.

Exercise 7. Read and translate the text:

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