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XV. Прочитайте интервью о том, как американская пара побывала в Европе. Выполните задания

MAN Hi, Mary! Hi, Bill!

BILL Hello, how are you?

MAN Fine, thanks, how was your trip?

MARY It was great. We had a wonderful time.

MAN Where did you go?

MARY Well, we flew to Paris, where we did everything the tourists usually do. We walked a lot by the river…

BILL And the weather was sunny….

MAN Great!

MARY And we visited the museums and galleries, and the Eiffel Tower…

BILL And did some shopping.

MARY Yes, we did some shopping.

BILL No, you did some shopping.

MARY OK, OK, I did a lot of shopping.

BILL Then we went to Venice, where we met some New Yorkers, and we did a lot of sightseeing with them.

MARY We had a nice time together.

BILL Then we went to Vienna…

MARY I’ve always wanted to go to Vienna.

BILL And we found a cheap hotel and what did we do there?

MARY We went to the Opera. It was wonderful. So romantic. And then we went to Budapest.

BILL Yes, and Mary bought some souvenirs, while I had a steam bath. It was great.

MARY Except you lost your wallet.

BILL Yes, I lost my wallet, but someone found it and luckily it had the name of my hotel in it and I got it back.

MARY Isn’t it great?

MAN Amazing.

MARY And then we flew back to Paris, and then flew home.

MAN Well, welcome home!

BILL and

MARY Thank you.

До поездки в Европу Билл и Мэри составили список того, что им хотелось бы сделать во время путешествия. Что они сделали на самом деле? Что не сделали? Составьте утвердительные и отрицательные предложения с данными выражениями.

buy some souvenirs

visit the museums and galleries

fly home

do some shopping

find a cheap hotel

stay with friends

meet some New Yorkers

make friends with local people

listen to a concert

have a steam bath

write some postcards

go to the Opera

take a tram

lose a wallet

have a meal in a smart restaurant

read the English newspapers

relax in the park

see the Queen

Заполните пропуски словами did, was или were. Ответьте на эти вопросы.

1. _______ they go to the Eiffel Tower.

2. _______ they born in the USA?

3. _______ they have a good time?

4. _______ it sunny in France?

5. _______ they do some shopping in Paris?

6. _______ they make friends with anyone?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 290 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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