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Insert necessary letters. Th_nk, c_ntr_l, exp_r__nce, d__ive, sup__flu__s, con_l_s__n, c__ldr_n, p_r_nt_s, nond___nd_nt, _nowl___e

Th_nk, c_ntr_l, exp_r__nce, d__ive, sup__flu__s, con_l_s__n, c__ldr_n, p_r_nt_s, nond___nd_nt, _nowl___e, fr__nd__ip, imp_rt_nt, relat__n__ip, cr_m_s, com__nic_t__n, som_tim_s, perm__s__n.

Find the odd word.

Mother – father – child – neighbor

Youth – adult – onion – old

To reveal – to derive – to influence – to ask

Family – government – sister – son

Love – respect – kindness – evil

Complete the sentences.

1. But it is also the most difficult time for making some very important decisions _____


2. If the relationship between parents and children is based on ____________________


3. One can simply open the daily newspaper to find _____________________________

4. I think that all these can really help ________________________________________

5. I think parents should not _______________________________________________

Make up words and translate them.

Indseekn ____________ ____________

Nicaonmmticou ____________ ____________

Uenefrqtly ____________ ____________

Esarntp ____________ ____________

Osmetisme ____________ ____________

Iopelashrtni ____________ ____________

Nrmsipeois ____________ ____________

Correct the mistakes and translate the words.

Olmost ____________ ____________

Freends ____________ ____________

Inn conculsion ____________ ____________

Famili ____________ ____________

Influense ____________ ____________

Permiccion ____________ ____________

Make up sentences from the following words.

1. I, parents, on, very, me, As, get, for, with, my, well.

2. to, parents, on, the, avoid, children, solve, or, conclusion, family, In, problems, ability, depends, and.

3. me, taught, a, They, lot, have.

4. think, and, that, good, can, children, all, between, really, help, these, relationship, construct, parents, I.

5. the, between, mutual, and, happy, children, relationship, parents, family, will, and, kindness, is, based, on, love, If respect, the, be.

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