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My Weekend

Nowadays most of people work or study five days a week and they do work hard. So, you can imagine how eagerly they look forward to their weekend! And I am not an exception to the rule.

Any dictionary defines the weekend as the period from Friday evening through Sunday evening, especially regarded as a time for leisure. To tell you the truth, my weekend starts at the moment I open my eyes on Friday morning, and the first thought that comes to my mind is “This is the last time the alarm-clock wakes me up! At least, this week …”

I must confess that up to the moment my working hours are over I make efforts to concentrate on what I am doing – from time to time my thoughts slide to planning my leisure.

Then, at last the long hard weekdays are over and I can enjoy the wonderful Friday evening. The fact that there are two days off to follow adds excitement. I myself find Friday evenings the most attractive because of two free days ahead.

There are different scenarios of spending days off. Mine is usually like this. On Friday evening after work I usually go to a café to have a cup of coffee or even a glass of beer or wine and chat with my friends. But we are rather tired to stay there long. A relaxing TV program or an interesting book is a good completion of the day.

If I have no urgent work to do (unfortunately, it happens from time to time) no alarm-clock wakes me up on Saturday and I get up much later than usual. After breakfast I have to do some work about the house. After that I choose what to do next. But I often feel so tired after a week’s work that I prefer doing nothing but sleeping, eating, reading, watching TV, playing computer games or surfing the net. At about 4 or 5 I am usually sick and tired of doing nothing, so I call friends and we go to the cinema, a concert hall, a bowling center or a café. If the weather allows we can go to the country for any kind of activities depending on the season. As I have another day off ahead I go to bed rather late.

On Sunday morning I can still afford to get up later. After breakfast (or is it lunch?) I do my shopping. I have a supermarket in the neighbourhood, so it is much more convenient for me to do in on Sunday. Then I start doing my home assignment – I am a university student and want to become a competitive specialist in my field. When I am through with my homework I have some time to enjoy a quiet Sunday evening.

Of course, how to spend a weekend depends on many factors – the weather, a season, and personal preferences and so on – but in any case we do our best to have a really good time because on Monday another workweek comes.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 338 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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