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Muscles and tissues

I. Запомните произношение следующих слов и дайте их русские эквиваленты:

muscle [mAsl], theory [‘Tiqri], expression [ik’spreSqn], total [toutl], motor [‘moutq], apparatus [,qepq’reitqs], group [grHp], identify [Qi’dentifQi], classify [‘klqesifQi], basis [‘beisis], visceral [‘visqrql], reaction [ri’qekSn], reason [rJzn], nerve [nWv], manipulation [mq,nipju’leiSqn], type [tQip], universal [,jHniv’Wsql], agent [‘eiGqnt]

II. Выучите новые слова и словосочетания:

muscle [mAsl] – мышца

mascular [‘mAskjulq] - мышечный

striated [strQi’eitid] – поперечно-полосатая

smooth [smHT] - гладкая

visceral [‘visqrql] – висцеральная (внутренних органов)

voluntary [‘vOlqntqri] – произвольно сокращающаяся

to establish [is’tqebliS] - устанавливать

to mean (meant, meant [ment]) - значить

to include [in’klHd] – содержать в себе, заключать, включать

to introduce [,intrq’djHs] - вводить

to change [tSeinG] – менять, изменять

weight [weit] – вес

to divide [di’vQid] – делить, разделять

wide - широкий

cell [sel] - клетка

fiber - волокно

direction [di’rekSn] - направление

internal [in’tWnql] – внутренний

bundle – пучок, связка

skin - кожа

to find [fQind] (found, found [fQund]) - находить

to find out - обнаруживать

to determine [di’tWmin] – определять, устанавливать

to contract [kqn’trqekt] - сокращаться

contraction - сокращение

tissue [‘tisjH] - ткань

connective tissue – соединительная ткань

to respond [ri’spOnd] – отвечать, реагировать

for this reason [rJzn] – по этой причине, поэтому

vessel [vesl] - сосуд

blood [blAd] - кровь

previous [‘prJviqs] – предыдущий, прежний

III. Прочтите и переведите однокоренные слова:

determine, determined, determining, determination; change, changed, changing, changeable, unchanged; contract, contracted, contracting, contraction; divide, divided, dividing, division, subdivision; introduce, introduced, introducing, introduction; direct, directed, directing, directly, undirectly, direction; respond, responding, response

IV. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания:

the contraction of muscles, the blood vessel wall, the body weight, connective tissue cells, to determine the blood group, a rapid change, to contract slowly, the direction of muscular fibers, to find out the universal method, to introduce into practice, direct connection, to respond to stimuli, wide bundles

V. Ответьте на вопросы по данному образцу:

e.g. Why can’t you go home? (to attend the lecture)

I cannot go home because I must attend the lecture.

1. Why can’t you consult a doctor? (to go to the Institute). 2. Why can’t you give me your book? (to return it to the library). 3. Why can’t she go to the theatre with us? (to prepare for the examination). 4. Why can’t the doctor make diagnosis? (to examine the patient first).

VI. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can, may, must:

1. You … come for consultation in anatomy any time from 3 till 6. 2. Medical students … know the structure of the human body. 3. … I ask you a question? 4. She … take part in the conference because she is ill. 5. Who … describe the bones of the lower limbs? 6. The joints … move by the contraction of the muscles. 7. Students … be late for classes. 8. Physicians … diagnose diseases correctly.

VII. Найдите сказуемые группы Continuous:

1. was placing, will place, is placed

2. has changed, will be changing, will be changed

3. are determined, are determining, has determined

4. will introduce, was introduced, had introduced

5. will be treated, were treating, will have treated

VIII. Найдите, прочтите и переведите предложения со сказуемым группы Continuous:

1. The muscles are contracting under stimulation.

2. Striated muscles tissue consists of large fibers.

3. It was interesting to listen to the lecture on muscles.

4. The walls of the blood vessels are expanding in response to a stimulus.

5. Striated muscles are necessary for manipulating the bones of the skeleton.

6. Many scientific experiments will be carried out at this laboratory.

7. Your body is developing insulin resistance.

8. He can determine the direction of muscular fibers.

9. The bones of the skull are connected together very firmly.

IX. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму:

1.They were discussing the functions of the brain.

2. He is taking the examination in Anatomy.

3. The students will be learning the bones of the skeleton.

4. We were listening to the lecturer very attentively.

5. The surgeon will be performing the operation.

X. Определите временную форму сказуемого и переведите предложения:

1. Smooth and unstriated muscles contract without any volition.

2. Blood vessels are contracting when they respond to the temperature.

3. The bones of the body make up the skeleton.

4. The children will be given vitamin therapy.

5. They were making their experiment from 5 till 9.

6. Students will learn the framework of the chest in the first term.

7. When I saw him last he was working at his new book.

8. They will be studying the functions of the heart during the whole lesson.

9. At this clinic the operations on the skull are carried out successfully.

XI. Раскройте скобки, употребив сказуемое в Simple или Continuous:

1. The students (to work) in the laboratory from 9 till 11 yesterday.

2. When we (to come) they (to classify) the bones of the upper extremities.

3. The walls of the blood vessels (to expand) when they (to respond) to some

chemicals in the blood.

4. We (to discuss) the characteristic features of cardiac muscles now.

5. A positive test (to mean) the presence of bacteria in the blood.

6. The students (to read) text when the teacher (to enter) the classroom.

7. Voluntary muscles (to control) the beating of the blood.

8. Many scientists (to carry out) great research work.

9. You can’t see him now because he (to perform) the operation.

10. Next year students (to listen) to the lectures on therapy.

XII. Прочтите текст и найдите в нем эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний, переведите этот текст:

согласно одной теории, происходит от латинского слова, греческое выражение, двигательный аппарат, действие температуры, поворот головы, изменения окружающей среды, они находятся под контролем, характерная черта, не имеет ни начала ни конца, огромная сеть

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 2171 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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