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Part 2 Further and Higher Education in Great Britain

2.1 Vocabulary

Match up the words and expressions on the left with the definitions on the right.

1) Further education (FE) a) to be present at the lectures
2) professional qualification b) a strong competition to gain entrance to university
3) vocational training c) a teacher at a university
4) to follow a course d) the time during the year where there is teaching at colleges, universities etc.
5) day release e) courses, linked to some kind of practical vocational training, for example in engineering, typing, cooking or hairdressing.
6) to find employment f) higher academic degree Doctor of Philosophy (for all fields of study)
7) curriculum g) training for a particular job
8) the arts (humanities) h) a student studying for the first degree (a BA or BSc)
9) part-time college course k) degree or diploma for a particular job
10) academic year l) a student awarded a degree is known as a graduate
11) Polytechnics m) course of study in a school, college or university
12) degree n) on-the-job training combined with part-time college courses. This scheme places young unemployed people with a business or an industry for six months so that they can get experience of work, and pays them a small wage.
13) formal lectures o) subjects concerned with human culture, esp. literature, language, history and philosophy
14) to attend lectures p) system of instruction given by a college tutor
15) Young Opportunities Scheme (YOPS) q) to take a course
16) Campus r) to make a detailed study of something in order to discover new facts
17) tutorial system s) a qualification from a university.
18) PhD t) a system of allowing employees days off work for education
19) Don, lecturer or tutor u) to communicate
20) competition is fierce v) classes attended in the evening or some day of the week
21) an undergraduate w) official lectures
22) university graduate x) to find a job
23) to keep in touch y)) similar to universities, but the courses tend to be more practically-oriented
24) to do (carry out) research z) an area of land containing all the main buildings of a university

2.2 Reading

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