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Complete the text about free trade by completing sentences 1-6 with a-f below

1. Free trade exists when goods can be traded easily between countries,……………………

2. Protectionism is where countries try to protect home producers.. .......................................

3. One way they do this is by using tariffs………………………………….

4. Another way is by using quotas which limit..........................................

5. Domestic manufacturers often complain that foreign competitors ………………………….

6. Exporters, on the other hand, often complain about …………………………

a... which are a kind of tax on imported goods,

b... complicated bureaucracy and complex customs regulations,

с... without restrictions.

d... the number or quantity of goods that can be imported,

e... from foreign competition and cheap imports,

f... try to destroy them by dumping their goods at very low prices.

5. Complete these sentences with the words in italics from ex.4.

1. These new import……………………make our products 50% more expensive.

2. Government…………………….limit the import of luxury cars to just 200 each year.

3. ……………………………………is a very good idea in principle, but in practice we need…………………………..to help domestic manufacturers to survive.

4. This………………..is awful; just look at all these forms we've got to fill in.

5. We can t compete with their prices; they must be………….their goods to put us out of business.

6. US and EU business leaders now need to focus on removing trade barriers between the two blocks rather than aim to create a single……………………………….. area.

7. He said raising prices by increasing ………………..on Japanese luxury cars would give Detroit’s Big Three automakers an excuse to increase their own luxury car prices.

8. The EU warned that South Korea should open up its car market, accusing the country of ………………………………..

9. If the Commerce Department rules that Mexico is …………………….. tomatoes, consumers can expect higher tomato prices because the US will impose ………………… on them, limiting the numbers that can be imported.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 1341 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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