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Iron and Copper

An adequate supply of iron is essential for animals because the oxygen needed by the tissues for the life processes is trans­ported in the blood by the haemoglobin, which is an iron-containing compound.

Iron is also usually present in the nuclei, or life centers, of the body cells which control their activities. Iron compounds play an important part in the oxidation of nutrients in the cells.

In spite of the importance of iron the animal body contains a very small amount. Iron forms only about one part in twenty-five thousand by weight of our bodies. The tissues of a fullgrown, healthy person contain only 1/10 ounce of this mineral.

Recent investigations have shown that for haemoglobin formation in the body small traces of copper must be provided in the food, as well as an ample supply of iron. Traces of copper are therefore essential for animal life, although this mineral is a violent poison when any considerable amount is taken into the body.

It has been found that copper is not a part of the haemoglobin, but that it is necessary to enable the body to produce this compound. If animals are fed a diet low in iron and copper nutritional anemia will result.

Exercise 1. Read the text "Iron and Copper" and answer the following questions in Russian:

1. How is oxygen transported in the blood?

2. Does haemoglobin contain iron?

3. What part do iron compounds play in the body?

4. Does the body contain much iron?

5. What is copper needed for by the body?

6. What is the role of copper?

7. What will result from a diet low in iron and copper?
Exercise 2. Translate the text "Iron and Copper".

Lesson 5

Дата публикования: 2015-04-06; Прочитано: 330 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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