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Write a proposal letter yourself. Offer the crude oil atmospheric distillation unit to the enterprise interested in this equipment

Раздел III

Современные тенденции развития нефтегазовой отрасли

Pre-reading task. Read the following sentences. Study the italicized words in their context and guess their meaning. Write your guess on the first line. Then look up the words in your dictionary and write the definitions on the second line.

1. While this is certainly true for crude oils they are easily and inexpensively processed into high quality fuels, there are vast deposits of heavy crude oils in many parts of the world.

a. (guess) _________________________________________________________.

b. (dictionary) _____________________________________________________.

2. Heavy crude oils have a density (compactness of a substance) similar to that of water or even exceeding it.

a. (guess) ________________________________________________________.

b. (dictionary) _____________________________________________________.

3. They usually are extremely viscous, with a consistency ranging from that of heavy soft sediments to a solid at a room temperature.

a. (guess) ________________________________________________________.

b. (dictionary) _____________________________________________________.

4. These properties also present serious environmental challenges to the growth of heavy oil production and use.

a. (guess) _________________________________________________________.

b. (dictionary) _____________________________________________________.

5. Environmental concerns about heavy crude oils are of two types.

a. (guess) ________________________________________________________.

b. (dictionary) _____________________________________________________.

6. Chemical wastes and byproducts of heavy crude oil production and refining may cause a serious ecological harm if given off to the environment.

a. (guess) _________________________________________________________.

b. (dictionary) _____________________________________________________.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-06; Прочитано: 272 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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