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Read and translate the text. Man/Machine Interfaсe

Man/Machine Interfaсe

Life in the automated factory is based on communications. Sensors gather data, computers send commands, PCs control machines and management. It makes decisions based of data from these devices. Sensors, computers, processors and man must all talk to each other.

There have been a number of recent developments in machine-to-machine interfaces. Networks, hardware and software that allow various processors to share and exchange data, are moving into the factory. These networks are connecting whole processors together, allowing more flexibility and control of manufacturing.

A major problem with networks, though, is interfacing processors that do not use the same language. Rules are being developed that will make it easier for these different processors to communicate.

Man-to-machine communications have seen dramatic developments. The computer is no longer an unyielding, unforgiving device that insists you conform to its method of working. The computer has become friendly, even inviting. Complex mnemonics and performing functions in a specific sequence have been replaced with graphic representations commands and cursor device know as a mouse. Now, getting a computer to perform a function is as easy as pointing your finger to the graphic representation of the function you want performed and pressing a button on the mouse. And programs exist for all types of business needs including teaching someone unfamiliar with computers how to run one.

A new technology that's also making it easier for man to interface with machines is speech recognition. Here, you enter information into a machine with your voice; a device in the machine translates the sounds into signals the computer or machine can work with. This method of entering data is faster and more accurate than using a keyboard to enter information.

Дата публикования: 2015-06-12; Прочитано: 334 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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