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Film facts


1. Прочитайте наступні слова та перекладіть їх без словника.

Signal, diesel, temperature, theorem, management, bank, nation, class, form, element, diploma, radio photo, text, energy, practical, method, business, parameter, effect.

2. Прочитайте наступні слова, Подивіться їх переклад у словнику:

Nature, opportunity, mixture, general, generally, real, really, absolute, practical, standard, intelligent, capital, principle, principal, action, accurate.

3. Дайте відповідь на питання:

1. Що таке інтернаціоналізми?

2. Звідки походять інтернаціоналізми?

3. Де вживаються інтернаціоналізми?


Основні вимоги до знань та умінь студентів:


-утворення конверсії.


-утворювати від іменників дієслова;

-перекладати їх на англійську мову і навпаки;

Утворення нових слів з існуючих без змін написання слів називається конверсія. Найбільш поширеними є утворення дієслів з відповідних іменників.


Water вода — to water поливати

Соntrol контроль — to control контролювати

Саuse причина — to cause причиняти, бути причиною

Може мати місце зворотний процес, тобто утворення іменників із дієслів.

Наприклад: fallout - радіоактивний осад - to fall out t- випадати

Дієслова можуть бути утворені з прикметників.

Еmpty – пустий -- to empty- опорожняти,

Clean – чистий -- to clean – чистити.


1. З наступних слів утворіть нові слова за допомогою конверсіїsalt

salt, to work, to house, to shade, fish, to oil, to shoot, break, answer, to call, to end, hand, plan, to study, to note, part, to ship, air.

2. Дайте відповідь на питання:

1. Що називається конверсією?

2. Від яких частин мови утворюються нові слова?

Lesson 3


Основні вимоги до знань та умінь студентів:


- правила скорочення слів в англійській мові.


- правильно скорочувати слова в англійській мові

Ø Скорочення в англійській мові утворюються видаленням літер або злиттям двох слів у одне.

Ø У такому випадку одна чи декілька букв будуть видалені та замінені апострофом.

Ø Скорочення використовуються, як правило, при неформальному спілкуванні та письмі.

Уважно перегляньте та запам’ятайте таблицю найуживаніших скорочень в англійській мові:

you'll - you will I've - I have you're - you are isn't - is not you've - you have it'll - it will we'd - we would; we had it's - it is; it has we've - we have let's - let us where's - where is mustn't - must not who's - who is o’clock - Of the clock wouldn't - would not she'd - she would; she had won't - will not    
doesn't - does not she's - she is; she has don’t - do not shouldn't - should not hadn't - had not that's - that is hasn't - has not they'd - they would; they had haven't - have not they'll - they will he'd - he would; he had they're - they are here's - here is they've - they have I'll - I will you'd - you would; you had I'm - I am  

Lesson 4


1.Words to master:

to shout – кричати

screenplay – сценарій

to arrange - приводити до ладу; впорядковувати

2.Translate the sentences using the words from the list:

a) It is arranged that she will look after the children.

b) Joe shouted for joy when he heard he'd passed the exam.

c) The director didn’t like the screenplay at all. We have to rewrite it.

3.Read and translate the text:

Behind the Hollywood camera

A lot of people are needed to make a film, as well as the actors and actresses. They are all the other people whose names appear at the beginning or end of a film. Some of them have strange-sounding jobs like ‘Best Boy’ or ‘Key Grip’. Let’s look at just some of them.

Producer — the person who chooses which film to make, who gets the money needed to make it, and who takes care of all the business problems. Director – the person who decides how to ‘shoot’ (or film) each scene, and who controls all the actors and other people who are helping to make the film. The director is the one who shout s ‘Action!’ when he or she is ready. One piece of film which is filmed without stopping the camera is called a ‘take’. Screenwriter — the person who writes the screenplay or script of a film. Sometimes many screenwriters are employed before a director is happy with a

screenplay. And when a book is made into a film, it is not usually the writer of the book who writes the screenplay. A screenwriter is usually given this job. Editor – the person who ‘cuts’ and then puts together the film after the filming has finished, and makes it into the final movie. Set Designer — the person who arrange s the furniture and scenery needed in the film. The designer often plans by making models of the scenery before working on the final set. Wardrobe Designer — the person who designs or chooses the clothes that the actors wear in the film. These are often got from special companies who

keep every kind of film and theatre clothes that you can think of. Gaffer — the lights and lighting chief in the studio. Best Boy — the Gaffer’s assistant. Key Grip— the person who moves the camera around. Boom Operator — the person who moves the microphone above the heads of the actors when they are speaking.


• In the film, Cleopatra, made in 1963, 26,000 costumes were used. But 32,000

were used to make the film Quo Vadis in 1951.

• Warner Brothers paid $5 million to American writer, Tom Wolfe, to make the

film of his book, Bonfire, starring Tom Hanks, Melanie Griffith and Bruce


4.Find English equivalents to the following words:

a) З’являтися,

b) дістати гроші,

c) вирішувати проблеми,

d) знімати фільм,

e) сценарій,

f) декорація,

g) освітлення,

h) костюм.

5.Answer the questions:

1. Who do we need to make a film?

2. What are the differences between the duties of a producer and a director?

3. What’s a “take”?

4. What do writers and screenwriters do?

5. What does “to cut a film” mean?

6. What do designers do?

Lesson 5


1.Words to master:

marble – мармур, мармуровий

tomb- надгробний пам’ятник

remains - залишок

earthquake - землетрус

bank - берег

to surviving- виживати

to be erected – бути зведеним

ancient - древній

to topple – валитися, падати

fable – міф, легенда, байка

temple - храм

harbour - затока

promontory – виступ, мис

2.Read and translate the text:

The Seven Wonders of The World

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus was builtabout 353 B.C. in what is now south-western Turkey. This enormous white marble tomb was built to hold the remains ofMausolus (Mausollos), a provincial king in the Persian Empire, and his wife,Artemisia. Since then the word "mausoleum" came to represent any large tomb.The monument was damaged by an earthquake in the early 17th century and only the foundation and some pieces remain.

The Pyramids of Egypt were built from about 2700 to 2500 B.C. near Giza, Egypt, on west bank of Nile River near Cairo. The Egyptian Pyramids are the oldest and only surviving member of the ancient wonders.

The Pharos (Lighthouse) of Alexandria was built in about 270 B.C.on an ancient island of Pharos in harbour of Alexandria, Egypt.The Greek architect Sostratus designed it during the reign of KingPtolemy II.Earthquakes toppled it in the 17thcentury A.D.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were built inabout 600 B.C.in Babylon near modern-day Baghdad, Iraq. These gardens – which may be only a fable – are said to have been laid

out on a brick terrace by King Nebuchadnezzar II for one of his wives.

The Temple of Artemis (Diana) at Ephesus was built in about 550 B.C. in Greek city of Ephesus, on west coast of modern Turkey. The original temple burned in 356 B.C. and was rebuilt on the same foundation. Fire destroyed the second temple in 262 A.D., but its foundation and some debris have survived.

The Statue of Zeus was builtin about 457 B.C.inAncient Greek city of Olympia

to honour the god Zeus. All that remains in Olympia nowadays are the temple's fallen columns and the foundation of the building.

The Colossus of Rhodes was built in early 200s B.C. near harbour of Rhodes, a Greek island in Aegean Sea in honour of the sun god Helios. The statue, celebrating the unity of Rhodes' three city-states, is believed to have stood on a promontory overlooking the water. Just 56 years after it was built, a strong earthquake destroyed it.

3.Find English equivalents to the following words:

a) Чудеса світу,

b) величезний,

c) могила,

d) рештки,

e) фундамент,

f) Каїр,

g) Нил,

h) фараон,

i) вважати,

j) підніматися,

k) гавань,

l) острів,

m) храм,

n) бог Зевс,

o) Егейське море.

4.Answer the questions:

1. Can you name the Seven Wonders of the World?

2. What wonder is the only surviving nowadays?

3. Who was the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus built for?

4. What was the Pharos of Alexandria used for?

5. How did the Hanging Gardens of Babylon look like?

6. What happened to the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus?

7. Why was the Statue of Zeus so lavish?

8. Why was the Colossus of Rhodes built?

Lesson 6


1.Words to master:

to commemorate – почитати пам'ять

centenary – столітні роковини

to witness – бути світком

mountaineer - альпініст

to accept - приймати

masterpiece - шедевр

to rule - правити

distinguished - відомий

empress - імператриця

military campaigns – військові кампанії

2.Read and translate the text:

Sightseeings of The World

The Eiffel Tower was designed by Gustave Eiffel for the International Exhibition of Paris of 1889 commemorating the centenary of the French Revolution. At 300 metres (320.75m including antenna), and 7000 tons, it was the world's tallest building until 1930. It was almost torn down in 1909, but was saved because of its antenna - used for telegraphy at that time. Beginning in 1910 it became part of the International Time Service. French radio (since 1918), and French television (since 1957) have also made use of its stature. During its lifetime, the Eiffel Tower has also witnessed a few strange scenes, including being scaled by a mountaineer in 1954, and parachuted off of in 1984 by two Englishmen. In 1923 a journalist rode a bicycle down from the first level. However, if its birth was difficult, it is now completely accepted and must be listed as one of the symbols of Paris itself.

Located at the city of Agra in the State of Uttar Pradesh, the Taj Mahal is

one of the most beautiful masterpieces of architecture in the world. Agra was the Capital of the Mughals (Moguls), the Muslim Emperors who rule d Northern India between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. It was Shah Jehan who ordered the building of the Taj, in honour of his wife, Arjumand Banu who later became known as Mumtaz Mahal, the Distinguished of the Palace. Mumtaz and Shah Jehan were married in 1717 and, over the next 18 years, had 17 children together. The Empress used to accompany her husband

in his military campaigns, and it was in 1730, in Burhanpur, that she gave birth

to her last child, for she died in childbirth. So great was the Emperor love to his

wife that he ordered the building of the most beautiful mausoleum on Earth for


3.Find English equivalents to the following words:

a) Ейфелева Вежа,

b) виставка,

c) століття,

d) Французька Революція,

e) Бути свідком,

f) символ Парижу,

g) знаходитися,

h) мусульманський імператор,

i) правління,

j) на честь, військова кампанія.

4.Answer the questions:

1. When was the Eiffel Tower biult? And what was it built for?

2. Who made the design of the Tower?

3. What are its statistics?

4. Why is it so important nowadays?

5. What is Taj Mahal?

6. Where is it situated?

7. Who built it and for whom?

Lesson 7


1.Words to master:

cornfield – кукурудзяне поле

sunflower - соняшник

to be worth – бути вартим

preacher – проповідник

to be mentally ill – бути душевно хворим

fits of madness – спалахи божевілля

to cut off - відрізати

sadness – смуток

2.Translate the sentences using the words from the list:

a) A field in which corn is grown people call a cornfield.

b) Sunflowers are cultivated for their edible seeds.

c) He is worth all that good things the others have.

d) Mr. Johns had a talk to our preacher the day before yesterday.

e) He’s never had the fits of madness before.

f) I’m sorry, I’ve never thought Mrs. Simpson was mentally ill.

g) Be careful with the knife, do not cut off the finger.

h) The novels of this author are filled with entire sadness.

3.Read and translate the text:

World Famous Artists. Vincent Van (1853-1890).

Nobody has ever painted cornfields or sunflowers like Van Gogh. His paintings are full of colour and sunlight. Today his paintings are worth millions of pounds but in his lifetime he only sold one.

Van Gogh was born in Holland in 1853. He did not start painting until he was twenty-seven, ten years before he died. Before becoming a painter, he was a teacher, an art dealer and a church preacher. In 1886 he left Holland and joined his younger brother, Theo, who was working in Paris at the time.

After living there for two years, he moved to the warmer climate of Arles in the south France. Here he painted some of his most famous pictures. However, Van Gogh was mentally ill. During one of his fits of madness he attacked his friend, the artist Paul Gauguin. In another fit of madness, Van Gogh cut off part of his own ear. Eventually he went into a mental hospital but he did not get any better.

Finally, on Sunday 27th July 1890, in the small village of Auvers, north of Paris, Vincent Van Gogh took a gun, went into a cornfield and shot himself. When his brother Theo arrived, he said: “I hope I did it properly.” Thirty-six hours later Van Gogh died in his brother’s arms. His last words were “ La tristesse durera ”. (The sadness will continue.)

4.Find English equivalents to the following words:

a) Кукурудзяне поле,

b) соняшник,

c) сонячне світло,

d) бути вартим міліонів,

e) проповідник,

f) бути душевно хворим,

g) напад божевілля,

h) нападати,

i) відрізати,

j) застрелитися.

5.Answer the questions:

1. How many paintings did he sell in his lifetime?

2. How old was he when he started painting?

3. What jobs did he have before becoming a painter?

4. Where did he paint his most famous pictures?

5. What was wrong with him?

6. How did he die?


Semester IV Lesson 1


1.Words to master:

influential - впливовий

acceptable - прийнятний

destination - призначення; приреченість, доля

contribution – сприяння, внесок

guild - цех, гільдія

free enterprise - приватне підприємництво

widowed - овдовіла

welfare - добробут, достаток

resound - лунати (with), звучати

contemporary - сучасний

Commissioner of Customs – збирач податків

2.Translate the sentences using the words from the list:

a) His fame resounds throughout the world.

b) The museum of contemporary art was opened yesterday.

c) The company need much more money to get started another free enterprise.

d) He applied to get the job of Commissioner of Customs.

e) This work is believed to be a very influential one.

f) Nan made her contribution to this project as well as many others.

g) It was almost 5 o’clock and Tom was reaching his destination place.

h) The aim of any state is welfare of its every citizen.

i) Tomorrow the local guilds are having their annual meeting.

j) I’m sorry, it’s not acceptable for me at all.

k) His widowed mother moved to live with him.

3.Read and translate the text:

Adam Smith

Adam Smith (1723-1790), was a Scottish political economist and philosopher. He has become famous by his influential book The Wealth of Nations (1776).Poverty was the acceptable norm for the majority of people in a society based on mercantilism, who had little choice in the destination of their life or their contribution towards society in the latter part of the 18th century. With local guilds dictating the production and distribution of such necessities as wool, textiles, and grains, market competition was non-existent. In his groundbreaking work The Wealth of Nations, published the same year as the American Revolution, Smith soundly examines industry, commerce, and the concept of and benefits of free enterprise.

Adam Smith was born in 1723 in Kirkaldy, county Fife, in Scotland, the son of Adam Smith and Margaret Douglas. His father had died before he was born and he was raised by his widowed mother. He attended Glasgow and Oxford universities before accepting the position as professor of moral philosophy at Glasgow in 1752.

A popular lecturer, Smith also wrote many essays and articles on such diverse topics as literature, justice, health, and welfare. In 1764 he left Glasgow to accompany the Duke of Buccleuch on his travels through Europe as his tutor. Upon his return he started working on The Wealth of Nations which would resound for decades to come and affect changes for contemporary economic policy in the Western world. In 1778 he settled in Edinburgh, Scotland as. Five years later he was a founding member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. He died on 17 July 1790 and lies buried in the Canongate Churchyard, Royal Mile, Edinburgh, Scotland.

4.Find English equivalents to the following word combinations:

a) Політичний економіст;

b) Впливова книга;

c) Прийнятна норма;

d) Оснований на меркантилізмі;

e) Ринкова конкуренція;

f) Досліджувати промисловість;

g) Графство Файф;

h) Різноманітні теми;

i) Супроводжувати герцога;

j) Відлунювати в віках;

k) Один із засновників.

Choose the correct word:

1. Adam Smith was a political economist and philosopher who was born in (England, Scotland, France).

2. Adam Smith has become famous by his influential (job, film, work) The Wealth of Nations.

3. Adam Smith was raised by his (widowed, single, alone) mother.

4. Adam Smith (had, wanted, wished) the position as professor of moral philosophy at Glasgow.

5. Smith wrote essays and (books, articles, reports) on such diverse topics as literature, justice, health, and welfare.

6. Adam Smith was a (partner, friend, teacher) of the Duke of Buccleuch.

5.Answer the questions:

1. When and where was Adam Smith born?

2. What is the most popular book of Smith?

3. When was the American Revolution?

4. Who raised Adam?

5. What essays and articles did Smith write?

6. Where and when did he die?

6.Questions for discussion:

1. What do you think was the role of Smith in the development of human society?

2. What else do you know about “ The Wealth of Nations”?


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