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Exercise 41 Scan the text for the figures and abbreviations. Comment on them

500mph, Maglev, UIC, CER, 6000km, EBRD, € 90mil, nine corridors; Corridor 3, 2020, five objectives, 25 members, 2-3 feet, TEN-T.

Exercise 42 Answer the following questions.

1. Do the railways face bright future? Give your arguments. 2. What challenges do world railways have to cope with? 3. What are the crucial directions of rail transport development? 4. Why is high speed considered to be the priority in rail development? 5. What does international rail systeminteroperability mean?
6. How can railways compete effectively in the new global economy? 7. What are the international transport corridors designed for? What is their importance? 8. What international transport corridors run through the territory of Ukraine?
9. What does the European programme on sustainable transport development till 2020 include?

Exercise 43 Explain the meaning of the following words, used in the text.

Global transport corridors; global village; to europeanise; sustainable transport development; intermodal chains; to create seamless services; to bring smth into line; interoperability; end-to-end transport services; to ensure technical compatibility; magnetic levitation; competitiveness of rail services; transport logistics systems; intelligent railroading; ability to recycle.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 262 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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