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Exercise 3 Translate the sentences

1. I wish I were an astronaut. 2. Send him a telegram so that he should be able to arrive in time. 3. He demanded that the money should be paid at once. 4. He insisted that I should accompany her. 5. It is necessary that you should go there at once. 6. I wish I was better looking. 7. If only I knew more people! 8. Now she wishes she had gone to university. 9. I’ve bought a chicken in case your mother stays for lunch. 10. Our advice is that the company invest in new equipment. 11. It is important that Helen be present when we sign the papers. 12. It was essential that James should write to his uncle as soon as possible.

Exercise 4 Express the same using the Subjunctive Mood. Do this in two ways, one with the Infinitiveand one with should.

Model: ‘ Why don’t you study math at evening class?’ she said to him.

She suggested that he study math at evening class.

She suggested that he should study math at evening class.

1. ‘Let’s finish the meeting on time,’ he said to them. He proposed... 2. ‘If I were you, I’d have the beef,’ said the waiter. The waiter recommended... 3. ‘The minutes of the meeting must be read,’ said the Chairperson. The Chairperson insisted... 4. The contract must be signed by all parties. It is important... 5. The candidates must have a thorough medical examination. It is essential... 6. ‘I would like a full inquiry to take place,’ said the Prime Minister. The PM requested...

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 402 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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