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В каждом предложении выберите одно слово, которое можно использовать для описания вашей улицы

a. My street is busy / quiet.

b. My street is plain / colourful.

c. My street is old / new.

d. My street is clean / dirty.

e. My street is well-lit / dark.

5. Выберите одно или несколько предложений, которые можно использовать для ответа на вопрос «What do you like about your neighbourhood?»

a) It is convenient. It has good access to amenities.

b) I have got good, friendly neighbours.

c) My neighbourhood is very quiet.

d) It is very close to the city centre.

e) It is very far from the city centre. And I like it!

f) It is very busy.

g) The public transportation is very good.

h) There are a lot of recreation facilities.

i) It is close to the Medical Academy. I can walk there.

6. Выберите одно или несколько предложений, которые можно использовать для ответа на вопрос «What do you dislike about your neighbourhood?»

a) There is a lot of criminal activity (alcohol / drug selling and public drinking).

b) I have got terrible neighbours.

c) My neighbourhood is very noisy and dirty.

d) My neighbourhood is very busy because it is in the centre. The traffic is very heavy. The roads are always jammed. The buses are always crowded.

e) The air in my neighbourhood is rather polluted.

f) It is far from the Medical Academy.

7. Используя схему, которую вы нарисовали, и материал предыдущих заданий, расскажите о своем районе. Не забудьте ответить на следующие вопросы: Is it convenient? Is it very busy? Is it noisy or quiet? What do you like or dislike about it?

8. Расскажите о городе, в котором вы учитесь, или о городе, из которого вы приехали. Используйте вопросы в качестве плана:

Your hometown:

1) What town do you come from?

2) Where is your hometown?

3) What is your hometown like? Is it big or small? Is it clean or dirty? Are the people friendly? When is the best time to come to your hometown?

4) What does your hometown produce?

5) Do any of your family members or your childhood friends live in your hometown?

6) Does anyone famous come from your hometown?

7) What is the best thing about your hometown? What is the worst thing about it?

8) Do you miss your hometown?

The city I study in:

1) Where is Tver situated?

2) What is it like? Is it big or small? Is it clean or dirty? Are the people in Tver friendly? When is the best time to come to Tver?

3) Do any of your family members or your childhood friends live in Tver?

4) Does anyone famous come from Tver?

5) What is the best thing about Tver? What is the worst thing about it?

6) After you graduate from Medical Academy, do you want to live and work in Tver?

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 343 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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