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— What TV programmes do you like to watch most of all, Kate?

— There are quite a lot of brilliant programmes on Russian TV: talk and game shows, comedies and cartoons, police series and soap operas. I can't say exactly which programme I like best of all. Well, perhaps it's "Anshlag".

— "Anshlag"? What is it about?

— Oh, it's a very funny programme which consists of humorous stories and songs presented by Russian humorists. This programme is now hosted by Regina Dubovitskaya.

— I like humour programmes too. Does Russian TV show British humour programmes?

— Of course, it does. We always watch with pleasure such British programmes as "Mister Bin" and "Benny Hill's show". And what is your favourite programme, Gloria?

— I am fond of soap operas. British TV broadcasts a lot of different soaps, but my favourite one is "Neighbours".

— Why do you like it?

— Well, it is about the life of Australian teenagers. I like to watch it after school. It is very exciting and helps me to relax. Besides I like to discuss with my friends what will happen to characters.

— We have a lot of soaps on Russian TV too. My Mum really enjoys watching soaps. As for me, I prefer detective series. In my opinion, they are more fascinating.

— Tastes differ.


— Television is much spoken about these days. Are you for or against watching TV?

— I can't say that I am a telly addict, but I watch TV two or three hours a day. In my opinion, there are a lot of brilliant programmes on TV.

— I don't watch TV as much as you do. My parents say that watching TV hurts eyes and is harmful to our health. Besides, I don't usually have much free time on weekdays. But on Sundays I like to watch TV.

— What programmes do you especially like watching?

— Most of all I enjoy detective series like "X-files" or Kamenskaya". It's exciting to follow the story line and to conduct

investigations together with the characters. I particularly enjoy watching films about mysterious and supernatural events. And what about you?

— It would be rather difficult for me to choose my favourite programme because there are lots of good things on TV. You just have to look for them. Well, I like old films, cartoons, comedies and thrillers, pop concerts and humour programmes. I even enjoy soaps!

— Soaps? They are long and boring! I can never understand people who rush home to watch their favourite soap. I never watch soaps.

— Well, 1 agree that soaps show life unrealistically, but they are not harmful really. The acting is pretty good there. They help me to escape from boring everyday life. I just use them to relax.

— But there are a lot of other interesting programmes on TV that broaden our minds and expand our outlook: documentaries and wildlife programmes, talk shows and quizzes. They are clever and informative, aren't they?

— Of course, they are. I can't but agree that many of the programmes are made in good taste and with great professional skill. The only thing that really irritates me is the amount of advertising on TV. When I sit down to watch the show and I am really enjoying the story, suddenly the film stops. I find it really annoying. What is more, advertisements are misleading because they don't talk about the products' defects.

— As for me, I don't take advertising seriously. Some adver­tisements are really funny. Besides, we shouldn't forget that commercial channels get most of their money from advertising. I think everything has its pros and cons.

— The same can be said about TV. Of course, TV has some disadvantages, but it is the main source of information and the best form of entertainment for millions of people.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 630 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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