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Homework. Role of computers in modern society

Prepare a presentation.



You are investigators representing the internet generation and are tasked with updating the world on the history of computer-based programs, their use, their benefits and potentially harmful effects on society. It seems that computer-based programs aid the community in functioning, working and communicating with one another. It seems that people are leaning to use more and more digital devices. Students should gather the information about the history of computer-based programs and functions using Internet resources.


Each of you will research the history and current use of computer-based programs. Further, after completing their research, you will be responsible for creating and delivering a 10-15 minutes presentation (or computerized) and report back to the class.

Presentation: You will create some type of presentation to be done in front of the class. This can be done in PowerPoint and or with the use of handouts.

A presentation should include:

Main Internet resources for a quest:






The tasks are assessed from the point of view of how well the research was carried out and how effective your presentation was in terms of grammar, use of active vocabulary, speaking skills.


During your research, you should think of how the different generations have used communication tools and how current technology differs from the past. How do different generations differ with respect to the different modes of computers and communication used?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 493 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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