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Lesson 2


I.Organise the words into two groups: describing towns/cities and describing countryside.

shopping center field woods factory museum suburbs farm night-life pollution valleys tall buildings theatre streets and avenues fresh air libraries and universities lake underground car parks statues lots of traffic

II. Match adjectives in A with opposites in B.

clean cheap
small agricultural
safe dirty
expensive big
industrial bad
good noisy
quiet dangerous

Which adjectives describe country life and life in the city?


I. Have a look at the picture of a a well-known Russian Painter V.S. Suricov and describe it using the Present Continuous Tense. Use the verbs (make snowballs, run, fight, climb the snowwall, throw snowballs, etc.)

II.Write the conversation between Steve and James in the correct order. Look at the phrases in bold. What are they used for?

- Well, I am training to be a manager.

- Yes, it’s quite interesting. How about you?

- Oh, hi Steve. How are you?

- No, my friends are helping me.

- Fine, thanks. And you? What are you doing these days?

- Oh, how interesting! Are you doing it alone?

- Really? Are you enjoying it?

- Well, I am not working at the moment, but I’m very busy. I am building a house.

James: ________________

Steve: _________________

James: ________________

Steve: _________________

James: ________________

Steve: _________________

James: ________________

Steve: _________________

III.Choose one of the photos and make up a conversation between these people.

IV.Make up a conversation, speaking about your life at the moment and using conversational phrases.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 390 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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