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Write an informal letter to your penfriend in the USA about your study at the University, your interests, etc. Ask him/her 5-6 questions about his/her study. Don’t forget about organisation of the letter.

Do grammar and revision test.

Lesson 4


I. Match the words and their definitions given below:

Grade, high school, diploma, vocational, score, higher school, standards, selective subjects, term, admission, middle class, boarding school, mandatory subjects, loan, campus.

Educational certificate of proficiency;

a school where pupils study and live;

being accepted to a school, a club;

the mark given to a student for his work;

subjects that every student must study;

institution for giving secondary education;

subjects that a student may choose;

academic requirements;


record points;


class of society between the poor and the rich;

one of the periods into which the academic year is divided;

place where students live;

sum of money given to a person who should return it;

II. You will hear Rachel talking about her schools-days. Put ticks in the chart with information about her.

Didn’t like maths or science  
Enjoyed outdoor activities  
Had to make friends at secondary school  
Has a twin brother  
Liked English, geography and history  
Played tricks on people  

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 496 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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