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LA. City of Angels

Los Angeles - the City of Angels - is a city built on dreams. The dream of the immigrant seeking a new beginning, the dream of Hollywood with its promise of a life of glamour and riches, the dream of wide open spaces and sunny golden days.

In the Bunker Hill/Historic Core Angels Walk you will experience these dreams in the L.A. that exists today, in an L.A. that thrived almost a century ago and in an L.A. that existed only in imagination.

You'll see a Victorian's view of what a futuristic building would look like in the year 2000 and its splendors will take your breath away. Hear water fountains crash like ocean waves in a dramatic water garden that covers more than an acre.

Boston. City or University?

Boston University - independent, coeducational, and non-sectarian -- is an internationally recognized institution of higher education and research located along the banks of the Charles River and adjacent to the historic Back Bay district of Boston.

With more than 30,000 students from all 50 states and 135 countries, it is one of the largest independent universities in the United States. For over 150 years, Boston University has anticipated the changing needs of its students while serving the greater needs of society.

As one of the nation's premier research universities, Boston University believes that all students benefit by learning from dedicated teachers who are actively engaged in original research. The University's learning environment is further enriched by an extraordinary array of direct involvements with the broader artistic, economic, social, intellectual, and educational life of the community.

Miami. Wellcome to Paradise!

Miamihas it all. A great climate which makes it a great vacation spot all year round, exciting attractions, professional sports teams, art, history, museums, and all of the nature parks and education you could ask for. The tropical climate provides attractions that are found on only a few places. Ocean life, alligators, snakes, and tropical vegetation are found in many exhibits and museums around Miami.

Miami has many local activities & attractions. Amusement parks, deep-sea fishing, boat rides, sightseeing, fine dining, professional football, dolphin watching, marine museums, and that is not all. You can spend hours, days, or weeks entertaining yourselves and your family without having to travel more than a few minutes in any direction. Nighttime entertainment includes: music and dance clubs with music ranging from smooth sounding jazz to lively disco, comedy clubs, concerts, theater, opera, symphony and movies. Even with all that to do, virtually no one comes to Miami without taking a stroll along the beach. Come, have fun, and enjoy.

Whether you're on budget or not, you should be able to find affordable accommodations in Miami anytime of the year.



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4. Бабенко А.П., Христенко Е.В.Американский вариант английского языка. Учебное пособие. Харьков: Рубикон, 1991. 256с.

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6. Войтенок В.М. Разговорный английский / Учебное пособие – М.: Новина, 1995. 424 с.

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1. http://www.anglik.net

2. http://www.better-english.com

3. http://www.center.fio.ru

4. http://www.english.ru

5. http://www.english-at-home.com

6. http://www.englishclub.narod.ru

7. http://www.festival.1september.ru

8. http://www.freeenglish.com

9. http://www.globalenglish.com

10. http://www.ict.edu.ru

11. http://www.intourlux.ru

12. http://www.lang.ru

13. http://www.linguarama.com

14. http://www.realenglishspb.ru

15. http://www.study.ru

16. http://www.world-english.org

Учебное пособие

Гетмиченко Наталья Игоревна

Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов второго курса средних специальных учебных заведений

Редактор: Н.И. Гетмиченко

Технический редактор:

Компьютерный набор: Н.И. Гетмиченко

Подписано к печати Формат

Тираж 100

Отпечатано в типографии

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 402 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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