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Ex. 3. Give three forms of the following verbs. Find the sentences with these verbs in the text

Become, begin, buy, find, get, give, grow, keep, let, make, overcome, pay, sell, speak, spend, take, tell, understand, withstand.

Ex. 4. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.

  barter   a a medium of exchange in which money is a commodity generally accepted because it has value as a good and as money
  money   b anything generally accepted as payment for goods and services as well as for settlement of debts
  currency   c a direct exchange of one commodity for another, without the use of money
  commodity money d money issued by the government but not backed by any commodity and is absolutely irredeemable
  representative money e an economic process in which prices increase so that the purchasing power of money falls
  fiat money   f paper money issued by a government or a bank and backed by their promises to redeem it for a given weight of precious metal, specifically gold or silver
  inflation g money that is used in a particular country

Ex. 5. Find in the text the words which go in pair with: currency, barter, exchange, money, function, value, duplication. You can add other word collocations. Give examples either from the text or of your own.

Model: currency → national/international, local/foreign, weak/stable/hard currency, the single European currency

e.g. A stable currency means that your savings do not diminish in value. You can always convert euro into your local currency.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 945 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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