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Ex.20. Answer the following questions. Refer to the text if needed

1. What is the difference between for-profit and nonprofit organisations?

2. What categories do nonprofit organisations fall into?

3. What groups of people do trade associations unite?

4. What do you think is the aim of charitable organisations? Give examples of such organisations.

5. Can nonprofit organizations earn profit? If yes, what do they use it for?

6. How are most NPOs funded?

7. Do NPOs have to pay taxes?

Ex.21. Find in the text the following phrases and choose the most suitable explanation:

1. launching a business

a) starting business activity;

b) completing business activity;

c) developing business activity

2. the public at large

a) politicians;

b) powerful and influential people;

c) general public

3. the best route

a) the best place;

b) the best way;

c) the best management

4. fraternal organizations

a) brotherhoods;

b) fatherhoods;

c) motherhoods

5. benevolent (component)

a) improving a situation;

b) very popular with smb;

c) kind and generous

6. to internalize (profit)

a) to closely connect with smth;

b) make smth international;

c) make smth personal, use smth for one’s own needs.


Before reading

Can you explain what franchising mean? Without looking at the logos below, give examples of franchises.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 625 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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