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Ex.25. Choose the correct tense form

1. Don’t sit in the draught or you ____________ a cold.

a) are catching b) are going to catch c) will catch d) will have caught

2. Ask her again. Perhaps she ____________ her mind.

a) will change b) is going to change c) will have changed d) will be changing

3. They __________ Kennedy Airport by now and will be on their way to England.

a) will be leaving b) will left c) will have been leaving d) will have left

4. We ____________ to London tomorrow. Would you like to come with us?

a) drive b) will have been driving c) are driving d) will have driven

5. Margie just called and said she would be here at 8 o’clock. By the time she gets here, we ____________ for her for two hours.

a) will wait b) will be waiting c) will have been waiting d) will have waited

6. ____________ to town today? - Yes, why? – Can I come with you?

a) will you be going b) will you go c) are you going to go d) will have gone

7. I can’t believe that you ____________ on a plane to Malta while I’m driving to work tomorrow morning.

a) will sit b) will have been sitting c) will be sitting d) will have sat

8. Careful, Tony! You ____________ the vase.

a) will drop b) are dropping c) are going to drop d) will have dropped

9. Cars of tomorrow ____________ using gas and they won’t pollute the air.

a) are going to stop b) will be stopping c) will stop d) will have been stopping

10. I’m afraid the train ____________ before we reach the station.

a) will leave b) won’t leave c) will have left d) is going to leave

11. I can’t believe that by the end of this week we ____________ all our exams.

a) will pass b) will have passed c) pass d) are going to pass

12. Just imagine! This time next summer we ____________ on a beautiful beach in Palma de Majorca.

a) are going to lie b) will lie c) will be lying d) will have been lying

13. When the mountaineers get back to the base, they ____________ in the snowstorm for two days.

a) will be b) will be being c) are going to be d) will have been

14) Tom will be very tired when he ____________. He will have been travelling for twenty four hours.

a) will arrive b) arrives c) have arrived d) will be arriving

15. The film ____________ by the time we get there.

a) will start b) is going to start c) will have started d) will be starting

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