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Ex.1. Read the sentences and define the tense forms. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian

1. They had completed all the preparations for the fancy-dress ball by 5 o’clock.

2. The man thanked the doctor who had cured him of his disease.

3. Hardly had he touched the pillow when he fell asleep.

4. He made great progress last year and could read the texts without a dictionary. He had worked at his language very hard.

5. In the morning, the passengers felt good after the night they had spent on the train.

6. Last night he completed the experiment he had begun some months before.

7. No sooner had she opened the drawer than she found the copy of the document.

8. They had been partners for some 10 years before I met them.

Ex.2. Complete the sentences in the Past Perfect.

1.Without any reason, the customer returned the goods that we ________(deliver).

2.Before Ellen could say anything, Cindy _______(hang up) the phone.

3.When William was employed, I ______(work / already) here for three years.

4.I______ (start / just) to type the letter, when the phone rang.

5.When I sent the mail, I realised that I ______(forget) to attach the file.

6.Sue and Tom are best friends, though before the meeting last month they _______(know / not even) each other.

7.Catherine _______(meet / not) Phil Brown before the trade fair in May.

8.We spoke about the conference that _______(take place) the week before.

9.After the meeting I thanked Misses Last, who _______ (manage) everything.

10._______(you / gain) experience in that field before you started to work for us?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1188 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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